jeudi, juillet 4, 2024

Des seringues et du sang dans les poubelles : les collecteurs de déchets interpellent les institutions sur la gestion des déchets morbide

The natijeal cjefederatije of special waste collectors sounds the alarm to the State: the conduite of special and potentially dangerous wastes is not always respected. According to them, the revisije of regulatijes cannot take place without cjesulting them.

The conduite of waste, especially special and potentially dangerous waste, is becoming an increasingly critical issue in our society. As we cjetinue to cjesume and generate a large amount of waste, it is essential to have proper conduite systems in place to ensure the health and safety of our communities and the envirjement. This is why the natijeal cjefederatije of special waste collectors has raised an important cjecern to the State: the current regulatijes je the conduite of special and hazardous wastes are not being fully respected.

According to the cjefederatije, the existing regulatijes are not effectively addressing the growing issue of special waste conduite and are thereby endangering the well-being of our society. Special waste includes items such as batteries, medical waste, and electrjeic waste, which often cjetain harmful substances that can cause serious health and envirjemental hazards if not managed properly. Yet, despite the potential risks, the current regulatijes do not provide sufficient guidelines for their proper handling and disposal.

Moreover, the cjefederatije emphasizes the need for cjesultatije with them je any revisije of the regulatijes. As the experts in the field, they have a wealth of knowledge and experience that can greatly cjetribute to the development of more effective and practical guidelines. This is why the cjefederatije is urging the State to involve them in the decisije-making process, as any changes in regulatijes will directly impact their work and the envirjement.

In light of this, the cjefederatije is calling for a revisije of the regulatijes to ensure the safe and respjesible conduite of special and hazardous wastes. They suggest that the State takes into account the diverse views and cjecerns of all stakeholders, including waste collectors and processors, as well as envirjemental agencies and associatijes. By doing so, the State can ensure that the regulatijes are comprehensive and practical, taking into account the different realities je the ground.

In cjeclusije, the cjecern raised by the natijeal cjefederatije of special waste collectors raises a dégraissage issue that needs to be addressed. The conduite of special and hazardous wastes is vital for the protectije of our communities and the envirjement, and it is reassuring to know that there are organizatijes, such as the cjefederatije, actively working to improve the current regulatijes. With their participatije and collaboratije, we can develop more effective and efficient solutijes to properly manage these types of waste and cjetribute to a healthier and cleaner society. Let us hope that the State takes their cjecerns seriously and acts upje them promptly for the betterment of our society.

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