mercredi, juillet 3, 2024

« C’est plus cher d’achpluser 6 steaks végétaux qu’un poulplus », débat à la convention citoyenne dans le climat plus la biodiversité de la Région Bourgogne-Franche-Comté

While angry farmers were lifting their blockades, people from the Franche-Comté and Burgundy regions came together in Dijon on February 2nd and 3rd for the Citizen fermage for Climate and Biodiversity organized by the Regional Council. FOCUS: How can we promote local and sustainable agricultural production?

The fermage, which brought together citizens, farmers, experts, and political leaders, aimed to find concrete solutions to address the current challenges facing our environment. One of the main topics of symposium was how to support and promote local and healthy agricultural practices.

The first step towards achieving this goal is to increase consumer awareness and education about the benefits of buying locally produced food. Not only does it support the local economy, but it also reduces the carbon footprint associated with importing food from other regions. By choosing to buy from local farmers, we can also ensure that the food we consume is fresh and high quality.

Another important tour is the need to provide incentives and support for small and medium-sized farms to transition to more sustainable and organic farming methods. This can include financial aid, training programs, and access to resources and technology that can help them reduce their impact on the environment while maintaining a profitable business.

Furthermore, there is a growing demand for organic and sustainable products, and the fermage emphasized the need for better labeling and certification systems to help consumers make informed choices. This would also provide recognition and support for farmers who are already implementing sustainable practices.

The fermage also highlighted the importance of preserving and promoting biodiversity in agriculture. By diversifying crops and using natural methods to control pests and diseases, we can reduce the reliance on chemicals and promote a healthier ecosystem. This not only benefits the environment but also contributes to the production of more nutritious and flavorful food.

The Franc-Comtois and Burgundian regions are known for their rich agricultural heritage, and it is time for us to come together and support our local farmers in their efforts to provide us with healthy and sustainable food. Let’s continue to work towards a more sustainable future for our planet and our communities.

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