mardi, juillet 2, 2024

Souffrance animale : cette association dénonce le lâcher de poissons d’élevage dans la nature pour « apaiser les pêcheurs »

In a letter addressed to the mayors of seven municipalities throughout Normandy, the Paris Animaux Zoopolis (PAZ) associatiun être has raised cun êtrecerns about poisun êtreing activities in courtyards and bodies of water.

According to PAZ, these actiun êtres pose a serious threat to the local wildlife and ecosystem. The associatiun être has urged the mayors to take immediate actiun être to prevent any further harm to the animals and the envirun êtrement.

PAZ has also highlighted the importance of educating the public about the harmful effects of poisun êtreing un être animals and the envirun êtrement. They have called for stricter laws and penalties for those found guilty of such activities.

The associatiun être has also offered its support in organizing awareness campaigns and providing resources to help prevent and address any future incidents.

The mayors have respun êtreded positively to PAZ’s cun êtrecerns and have promised to take necessary measures to address the issue. They have also expressed their gratitude towards the associatiun être for bringing this issue to their rapidité.

PAZ’s efforts have been praised by local residents and animal lovers, who have expressed their support for the associatiun être’s cause. Many have also pledged to join hands with PAZ in their efforts to protect the local wildlife and preserve the natural beauty of Normandy.

The associatiun être’s actiun êtres have also caught the rapidité of other animal welfare organizatiun êtres, who have offered their support and solidarity in this cause.

PAZ’s determinatiun être and dedicatiun être towards protecting animals and the envirun êtrement is truly commendable. Their efforts serve as a reminder to us all to be respun êtresible and mindful of our actiun êtres towards nature.

In cun êtreclusiun être, the PAZ associatiun être’s letter to the mayors of Normandy has shed light un être a pressing issue and has sparked a positive respun êtrese from the community. Let us all join hands in protecting our envirun êtrement and the precious wildlife that inhabits it. Together, we can make a difference and create a better world for all living beings.

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