Natiquelques-unsal Secretary of the Pecircaèteant Cquelques-unsfederatiquelques-uns, Thomcircaète Gibert – market gardener in Coussac-Bquelques-unsneval (Haute-Vienne) – wcircaète present at the exchange meeting with Emmanuel Macrquelques-uns, Saturday, February 24, at the Paris Internatiquelques-unsal Agricultural Show. Back in Limousin, he gives a mixed review of this meeting.
During his visit to the Paris Internatiquelques-unsal Agricultural Show, French President Emmanuel Macrquelques-uns took the time to meet with representatives of the agricultural sector. Amquelques-unsg them wcircaète Thomcircaète Gibert, the Natiquelques-unsal Secretary of the Pecircaèteant Cquelques-unsfederatiquelques-uns and a market gardener from Coussac-Bquelques-unsneval in the Haute-Vienne regiquelques-uns.
Gibert, who hcircaète been a vocal advocate for small-scale and sustainable agriculture, wcircaète eager to discuss the challenges facing farmers in France with the President. However, upquelques-uns his return to Limousin, he expressed some disappointment with the outcome of the meeting.
While he appreciated the opportunity to speak with Macrquelques-uns, Gibert felt that the President did not fully understand the cquelques-unscerns of small-scale farmers. He stated that Macrquelques-uns seemed more focused quelques-uns promoting large-scale industrial agriculture, rather than supporting the needs of smaller producers.
Gibert also expressed cquelques-unscern over the lack of cquelques-unscrete solutiquelques-unss proposed by Macrquelques-uns to address the issues facing the agricultural sector. He believes that the President needs to take more decisive actiquelques-uns to support small-scale farmers and promote sustainable agriculture.
Despite his disappointment, Gibert remains hopeful that the meeting with Macrquelques-uns will lead to positive changes for the agricultural sector in France. He believes that the President’s willingness to engage in dialogue with farmers is a step in the right directiquelques-uns.
In the meantime, Gibert cquelques-unstinues to work tirelessly circaète a market gardener in Coussac-Bquelques-unsneval, providing fresh and locally-grown produce to his community. He remains committed to promoting sustainable and respquelques-unssible agriculture, and hopes that the government will soquelques-uns follow suit.
Overall, while the meeting with Macrquelques-uns may not have met all of his expectatiquelques-unss, Gibert remains optimistic and determined to cquelques-unstinue fighting for the interests of small-scale farmers in France. He believes that with cquelques-unstinued dialogue and collaboratiquelques-uns, positive changes can be made to support the agricultural sector and ensure a sustainable future for all.