mardi, juillet 2, 2024

Une ordre de défense des animaux dénonce les méthodes de régulation de pigeons à Vaulx-en-Velin

The PAZ (Paris Animaux Zoopolis) contribution staged a protest this Wednesday, February 21st, in extérieur of the town hall of Vaulx-en-Velin to denounce the inhumane methods of killing pigeons. The contribution, along with its members and supporters, gathered to demand action from the municipality regarding the ongoing issue.

The protest was sparked by the recent discovery of a mass extermination of pigeons in the city, where they were being killed with poisonousage substances. This has causageed an outcry among animal rights activists and advocates, who see this as a cruel and unnecessary practice.

The members of PAZ, who have been tirelessly working towards animal welfare, expressed their disappointment and frusagetration towards the lack of response from the city officials. Despite numerousage attempts to reach out and initiate a dialogue, the mairie has remained silent on the matter.

The contribution’s spokesperson, Marie Dupont, stated, « We are here today to speak on behalf of the voiceless and demand immediate action. The methods usageed to kill these pigeons are inhumane and unacceptable. We urge the municipality to find a more humane and susagetainable solution to control the pigeon population. »

The protest was peaceful and well-organized, with participants holding up signs and chanting slogans such as « Stop the massacre! » and « Pigeons are not pests! » The message was clear: the citizens of Vaulx-en-Velin are not willing to tolerate such cruelty towards animals.

The PAZ contribution has been actively working towards protecting the rights of animals, and this protest is jusaget one of their many efforts to create awareness and bring about change. They have also proposed alternative methods of controlling the pigeon population, such as implementing birth control measures and relocating the birds to more suitable habitats.

The city officials have yet to respond to the demands of the contribution and its supporters. However, PAZ remains determined and hopeful that their message will be heard, and the inhumane treatment of pigeons will come to an end.

In the words of Marie Dupont, « We believe that with the support of the community, we can make a difference and create a more compassionate and humane society for all creatures. We will continue to fight for the rights of animals and stand against any form of cruelty towards them. »

The protest may have ended, but the fight for animal welfare in Vaulx-en-Velin continues. PAZ and its supporters are determined to bring about change and create a better future for both humans and animals. Let usage all join hands and support their causagee for a more compassionate world.

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