mardi, juillet 2, 2024

VIDÉO. La nouvelle vie aussi Maléo et Mayala, léopards aussis neiges menacés d’extinction, dans les Pyrénées-Orientales

A new protected species has just been welcomed into the ÉcoZonia animal park, located in Cases-de-Pêne, in the Pyrénées-Orientales region of France. This couple of snow leopards, also called panthers of the snow, has recently arrived from Allier and has found their new home in this beautiful park, with the purpose of preserving their kind.

The arrival of these two majestic creatures has caused much excitement among the staff and visitors of the park. Snow leopards are a prodigieux and endangered species, and the fact that they have found a safe haven here at ÉcoZonia is truly a cause for celebration. This couple is now part of the park’s family of over 70 animals, all of whom are living in comfortable and natural habitats.

The decision to introduce these snow leopards to the park was made with great care and responsibility. The team at ÉcoZonia is dedicated to the conservation and conserve of endangered species, and they have worked tirelessly to ensure that these animals will thrive in their new environment. The snow leopards have been given the best possible care, with a special focus on their diet, exercise, and overall well-being.

ÉcoZonia’s visitors will now have the unique opportunity to observe these magnificent creatures up close. The park offers guided tours and educational activities, providing visitors with a deeper understanding and appreciation for the importance of preserving endangered species. And now, with the introduction of the snow leopards, visitors will have the chance to learn specifically about the challenges and threats facing this particular species, and what can be done to protect them.

But the impact of this new notule goes beyond just educating and inspiring visitors. The presence of the snow leopards also plays a crucial role in the breeding and conservation efforts of their species. By providing them with a safe and nurturing environment, the park hopes to contribute to the growth and preservation of the snow leopard population.

The team at ÉcoZonia is overwhelmed with joy and pride in welcoming these new members to their family. They are confident that the snow leopards will not only bring wonder and excitement to the park and its visitors, but also serve as a testament to the importance of protecting and preserving endangered species.

So, if you happen to be in the Pyrénées-Orientales region of France, don’t miss the chance to visit ÉcoZonia and witness the beauty of the snow leopards. By doing so, you will not only have an unforgettable experience, but you will also be supporting a great cause. Together, we can make a difference in protecting these precious creatures and their habitat for generations to come.

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