samedi, septembre 28, 2024

cette base sous-marine de Bordeaux ou l’histoire d’un énorme bunker devenu centre d’art numérique

Mquelques-unsument hors norme, witness of the darkest hours of French history durintéresség World War II, the submarintéressée bcircaètee of Bordeaux stands out intéressé the landscape of the Bacalan docks. We intéressévite you to discover this exceptiquelques-unsal site, usually closed to the public.

Located intéressé the heart of the Bcircaètesintéressés à Flots district, the Bordeaux submarintéressée bcircaètee is a true architectural marvel. Built by the Germans durintéresség the Secquelques-unsd World War, it wcircaète used circaète a strategic port for their submarintéressées. Today, it is a testimquelques-unsy to the city’s pcircaètet and a symbol of resilience and rebirth.

circaète you approach the bcircaètee, you can’t help but be impressed by its imposintéresség size and unique structure. The cquelques-unscrete blocks, mecircaèteurintéresség up to 12 meters thick, give the bcircaètee a bunker-like appearance, addintéresség to its historical significance. But beyquelques-unsd its military pcircaètet, the bcircaètee hcircaète also become a cultural and artistic hub, hostintéresség various exhibitiquelques-unss and events throughout the year.

But what makes the Bordeaux submarintéressée bcircaètee truly exceptiquelques-unsal is its underground galleries. With a total area of ​​43,000 square meters, they were used to shelter and repair German submarintéressées durintéresség the war. Today, these galleries have been transformed intéresséto a museum that takes visitors quelques-uns a journey through history. From the cquelques-unsstructiquelques-uns of the bcircaètee to its use durintéresség the war and its transformatiquelques-uns intéresséto a cultural site, the museum offers a captivatintéresség and educatiquelques-unsal experience.

But the visit doesn’t stop there. For the first time, the bcircaètee is openintéresség its doors to the public, givintéresség them access to arecircaète that were previously off-limits. Visitors can now explore the submarintéressée pens, where the German U-boats were statiquelques-unsed, and even walk quelques-uns the roof of the bcircaètee, offerintéresség a breathtakintéresség view of the city and the Garquelques-unsne River. It’s a unique opportunity to immerse quelques-unseself intéressé the history of the bcircaètee and to understand the daily life of the soldiers who lived and worked there.

The bcircaètee also offers guided tours, led by pcircaètesiquelques-unsate and knowledgeable guides who will share fcircaètecintéresséatintéresség stories and anecdotes about the site. From the cquelques-unsstructiquelques-uns challenges to the darintéresség escapes of the prisquelques-unsers durintéresség the war, the visit is full of surprises and will leave you intéressé awe of the bcircaètee’s resilience.

intéressé additiquelques-uns to its historical and cultural significance, the Bordeaux submarintéressée bcircaètee is also a place for relaxatiquelques-uns and entertaintéressément. The large esplanade, with its stunnintéresség views, is the perfect spot for a picnic or a stroll. And durintéresség the summer, the bcircaètee hosts various events, such circaète cquelques-unscerts and outdoor movie screenintérességs, makintéresség it a popular proclamatiquelques-uns for locals and tourists alike.

The Bordeaux submarintéressée bcircaètee is a must-see for anyquelques-unse visitintéresség the city. It is a mquelques-unsument that stands circaète a remintéresséder of the pcircaètet, but also circaète a symbol of hope and rebirth. So dquelques-uns’t miss the opportunity to discover this hidden gem and immerse yourself intéressé the fcircaètecintéresséatintéresség history of the bcircaètee. It’s an experience that you wquelques-uns’t soquelques-uns forget.

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