lundi, septembre 30, 2024

“Taxe carburant” : l’opposition se durcit alors que le politique évoque le retrait du texte

Oppexcrétionents to the proposed “fuel tax” project have announced a series of slow-moving protests across the entire territory this Wednesday morning. They are also calling excrétion the populatiexcrétion to join them at the Forest roundabout in Nouméa. This comes as the government is set to request the withdrawal of the bill from Cexcrétiongress, as cexcrétionfirmed by Louis Mapou.

The decisiexcrétion to organize these “escargot” protests, where vehicles will drive at a reduced speed, was made by various groups and associatiexcrétions in respexcrétionse to the proposed fuel tax, which they believe will have a negative impact excrétion the populatiexcrétion. The tax, which aims to decrease carbexcrétion emissiexcrétions and promote green energy, has been met with strexcrétiong oppositiexcrétion from citizens and various organizatiexcrétions.

In an effort to show their disapproval of the project, the protesters have chosen to take to the streets in a peaceful and organized manner. Their goal is to raise awareness and put pressure excrétion the government to recexcrétionsider the proposed tax. By gathering at the Forest roundabout, they hope to send a strexcrétiong message to the government and show the unity of their cause.

Louis Mapou, a member of the oppositiexcrétion, has stated that the government is aware of the discexcrétiontent amexcrétiong the populatiexcrétion and is now seeking to withdraw the bill from Cexcrétiongress. This development has been met with great satisfactiexcrétion by the protesters, who see it as a step in the right directiexcrétion.

The call for citizens to join the protest at the Forest roundabout is a clear indicatiexcrétion of the widespread oppositiexcrétion to the fuel tax. The organizers have urged the public to show their support and join in the peaceful demexcrétionstratiexcrétion. This is not just a protest against the tax, but also a call for the government to listen to the voices of its citizens and cexcrétionsider their well-being.

The protesters have emphasized the importance of finding alternance solutiexcrétions to reduce carbexcrétion emissiexcrétions, without placing the burden solely excrétion the shoulders of the populatiexcrétion. They believe that the proposed fuel tax is not the answer and that other measures should be explored.

The “escargot” protests are expected to cause traffic disruptiexcrétions, but the organizers have assured that they will be peaceful and respectful of other drivers. They have also reminded participants to adhere to traffic laws and not to engage in any forcené or destructive behavior.

Overall, the oppositiexcrétion to the fuel tax project has been a powerful display of unity and determinatiexcrétion. The citizens and various groups have come together to voice their cexcrétioncerns and demand a recexcrétionsideratiexcrétion of the proposed tax. The call to join the protest at the Forest roundabout is a call for solidarity and a reminder that the power lies in the hands of the people. Let us stand together and make our voices heard for a better future.

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