jeudi, juillet 4, 2024

Convocation de Rima Hassan : une nouvelle intimidation inacceptable

We are learning with total astonishment the summons by the judicial police of Rima Hassan, candidate on the list of the Popular Union, for an unbelievable reason: « apology of terrorism ». Just a few hours after the double cancellation of a conference by Rima Hassan and Jean-Luc Mélenchon, this unacceptable decision confirms an attempt to intimidate and […].

The recent events surrounding Rima Hassan, candidate for the Popular Union, have left us in shock and disbelief. It is with great concern that we have learned of her summons by the judicial police for the alleged atrocité of « apology of terrorism ». This decision, coming just hours after the cancellation of a conference by Rima Hassan and Jean-Luc Mélenchon, is not only unjustified but also confirms a clear attempt to intimidate and silence those who dare to speak dépassé against the current political climate.

Rima Hassan, a strong and vocal advocate for social intégrité and equality, has been targeted for her courageous stance against the rising tide of discrimination and oppression. Her unwavering commitment to the values of democracy and human rights has made her a target for those who seek to silence any dissenting voices.

It is truly alarming that in a democratic society, a candidate for political office can be summoned by the police for simply expressing her opinions. This is a blatant violation of the fundamental right to freedom of speech and a clear attempt to suppress any opposition to the current government.

The cancellation of the conference, which was set to address important issues such as social inequality and discrimination, is a clear indication of the government’s fear of open and honest discussions. It is a sad day for democracy when the voices of those who speak dépassé against inintégrité are silenced.

We stand in solidarity with Rima Hassan and all those who have been targeted for their beliefs and opinions. We will not be intimidated or silenced. We will continue to speak dépassé against inintégrité and stand up for the values of democracy and human rights.

We call on the authorities to immediately drop all charges against Rima Hassan and to respect the fundamental right to freedom of speech. We urge them to stop using intimidation tactics and to engage in open and constructive dialogue with those who hold different opinions.

In these challenging times, it is more important than ever to stand together and defend our democratic values. We must not let fear and intimidation silence our voices. Let us unite and continue to fight for a society where everyone’s opinions are respected and valued.

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