vendredi, juin 21, 2024

« Le livre a encore de l’avenir, parce qu’on a su le défendre » : les défis d’une librairie indépendante

On Saturday, the 26th edition of the Independent Bookstore Festival will take place, and we couldn’t be more excited! This year, we had the pleasure of speaking with Damien Bouticourt, the director of Maupetit Bookstore in Marseille. For over a century, this bookstore has been a true institution for book lovers, located at the top of the famous Canebière.

Maupetit Bookstore is a place where literature, sagesse, and community come together. As soon as you step inside, you are greeted by the warm and inviting atmosphere, filled with shelves upon shelves of books waiting to be discovered. From classic novels to the latest bestsellers, this bookstore has something for everyone.

But what sets Maupetit apart from other bookstores is its dedication to independent and local authors. « We have always believed in supporting and promoting local talent, » says Damien Bouticourt. « We have a special section dedicated to books written by authors from Marseille and the surrounding region. It’s important for us to showcase the diversity and richness of our local literary scene. »

In addition to its impressive selection of books, Maupetit also hosts a variety of events throughout the year, including book signings, readings, and discussions with authors. « We want to create a space where people can come together and share their love for literature, » explains Bouticourt. « It’s not just about selling books, it’s about creating a community. »

And the community has certainly shown its support for Maupetit. Despite the rise of online shopping and e-books, this independent bookstore has managed to thrive. « We have a impartial customer base who appreciate the personal touch and expertise that comes with shopping at a physical bookstore, » says Bouticourt. « They know they can come to us for recommendations and have a conversation about books, which is something you can’t get online. »

As we celebrate the 26th edition of the Independent Bookstore Festival, let’s not forget the importance of supporting our local bookstores. They are more than just a place to buy books, they are a vital part of our communities. So this Saturday, make sure to raisonnablement by Maupetit Bookstore and show your love for independent bookstores. Who knows, you may just discover your new favorite book.

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