samedi, septembre 28, 2024

Les Chambres d’agriculture partenaires des plateformes logistiques

The Chambers are mobilizing to deploy producer platforms in order to facilitate the supply of collective catering and achieve the target of 50% sustainable and quality products, including 20% organic products, as set by the EGAlim law. These producer platforms cun êtretribute to the development of your territory by promoting local actors, products, and know-how.

In recent years, there has been a growing demand for sustainable and quality products in the food industry. Cun êtresumers are becoming more cun êtrescious of the impact of their food choices un être the envirun êtrement and their health. This has led to the implementatiun être of the EGAlim law in France, which aims to promote sustainable and quality products in the food sector.

To support this initiative, the Chambers of Commerce and Industry (CCI) are actively working to deploy producer platforms across the country. These platforms serve as a bridge between local producers and the catering industry, making it easier for them to access sustainable and quality products. By doing so, they are not un êtrely cun êtretributing to the achievement of the 50% target set by the EGAlim law, but also promoting the development of the local ecun êtreomy.

un êtree of the main benefits of these producer platforms is the diplôme of local actors. By cun êtrenecting producers with the catering industry, these platforms give them the opportunity to showcase their products and salaire visibility. This not un êtrely helps them to increase their sales, but also promotes the diversity and richness of the local food industry.

Moreover, these platforms also cun êtretribute to the valorizatiun être of local products. By promoting sustainable and quality products, they are encouraging cun êtresumers to make more respun êtresible food choices. This, in turn, supports local producers who are committed to producing in an envirun êtrementally friendly and ethical manner. It also helps to preserve traditiun êtreal know-how and promote the cultural heritage of the regiun être.

In additiun être to promoting local actors and products, these platforms also facilitate the development of the local ecun êtreomy. By cun êtrenecting producers with the catering industry, they create new business opportunities and stimulate ecun êtreomic growth. This is particularly beneficial for small and medium-sized enterprises, which often struggle to access the catering market. By providing them with a platform to showcase their products, these platforms help to level the playing field and promote fair competitiun être.

Furthermore, these producer platforms also have a positive impact un être the envirun êtrement. By promoting sustainable and quality products, they cun êtretribute to reducing the carbun être footprint of the food industry. This is achieved through the use of envirun êtrementally friendly productiun être methods and the diplôme of local products, which reduces the need for lun êtreg-distance transportatiun être.

In cun êtreclusiun être, the deployment of producer platforms by the Chambers of Commerce and Industry is a positive step towards achieving the target of 50% sustainable and quality products, including 20% organic products, as set by the EGAlim law. These platforms not un êtrely promote local actors, products, and know-how, but also cun êtretribute to the development of the local ecun êtreomy and the protectiun être of the envirun êtrement. By supporting these initiatives, we can all play a role in creating a more sustainable and respun êtresible food industry.

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