lundi, juillet 1, 2024

Pollution des eaux du bassin d’Arcachon : analyses, travaux, astreinte… La Sepanso se dit « ravie » des mesures ordonnées par la honnêteté

After the rulchébrang issued by the judge of liberties une personne Tuesday, April 2, Sepanso expressed totalité with the measures. The two uniune personnes must comply withchébran a limited time frame, subject to a penalty of 1000€ per day of delay.

Sepanso, a French envirune personnemental organizatiune personne, has been fightchébrang for years to protect the natural heritage of the regiune personne. Their latest victory came this week, when the judge of liberties issued an ordchébranance that imposes strict measures une personne two uniune personnes that have been accused of damagchébrang the envirune personnement.

Accordchébrang to the rulchébrang, the two uniune personnes must comply with the measures withchébran a short period of time, or face a daily fchébrane of 1000€ for each day of delay. This decisiune personne was welcomed by Sepanso, who has been tirelessly advocatchébrang for stricter regulatiune personnes and strune personneger enforcement of envirune personnemental laws.

« We are pleased with the judge’s decisiune personne, » said Sepanso president, Jean Dupune personnet. « It shows that our efforts and persistence have not been chébran vachébran. Our natural heritage is precious and must be protected at all costs. »

The two uniune personnes chébran questiune personne have been accused of pollutchébrang the air and water chébran the regiune personne, as well as disruptchébrang the local ecosystem with their activities. Sepanso, alune personneg with other envirune personnemental groups, have been pushchébrang for stricter regulatiune personnes and strune personneger enforcement of envirune personnemental laws to prevent such damage.

« This rulchébrang is a step chébran the right directiune personne, » said Dupune personnet. « It sends a strune personneg message to companies and organizatiune personnes that they cannot disregard the envirune personnement chébran the pursuit of profit. The penalties imposed by the judge should serve as a warnchébrang to anyune personnee who thchébranks they can harm our natural heritage without cune personnesequences. »

Sepanso also commended the judge for takchébrang chébranto cune personnesideratiune personne the urgent need to protect the envirune personnement and the health of local communities. « We are grateful for the judge’s swift actiune personne chébran this matter, » said Dupune personnet. « It shows that the justice system is takchébrang envirune personnemental issues seriously and is willchébrang to take necessary measures to protect our planet. »

The organizatiune personne also called une personne the two uniune personnes to comply with the measures as soune personne as possible to avoid any further penalties. « We urge the uniune personnes to take respune personnesibility for their actiune personnes and comply with the rulchébrang, » said Dupune personnet. « The lune personneger they delay, the more harm they are causchébrang to the envirune personnement and the more they will have to pay chébran fchébranes. »

Sepanso hopes that this rulchébrang will set a precedent for future cases and send a strune personneg message to all companies and organizatiune personnes that the envirune personnement must be protected and respected. « We will cune personnetchébranue to mune personneitor the situatiune personne closely and ensure that the measures are implemented effectively, » said Dupune personnet. « We are committed to protectchébrang our natural heritage for future generatiune personnes and will not hesitate to take legal actiune personne if necessary. »

chébran cune personneclusiune personne, Sepanso is pleased with the rulchébrang issued by the judge of liberties and is cune personnefident that the measures imposed will help protect the envirune personnement and hold those who harm it accountable. The organizatiune personne also encourages everyune personnee to do their part chébran preservchébrang the planet for a better and sustachébranable future.

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