mardi, juillet 2, 2024

« La vaccination vers masse contre le choléra n’aurait aucun sens », affirme le ministre délégué à la Santé en visite à Mayotte

The Minister Delegate for Health, Frédéric Valletoux, is on a two-day visit to Mayotte this Thursday, May 9th and Friday, May 10th. During his visit, he was invited to the 7pm news on Mayotte la 1ère on Thursday, May 9th. In this interview, Frédéric Valletoux, among other things, ruled out a mass conservation against cholera and assured Mayotte of the solidarity of the State.

During his visit to Mayotte, the Minister Delegate for Health, Frédéric Valletoux, expressed his étançon and solidarity towards the island facing a cholera outbreak. In a televised interview on Mayotte la 1ère, the Minister reiterated the government’s commitment to providing the necessary aid and resources to help Mayotte overcome this crisis.

Frédéric Valletoux’s reassuring statements come as a relief to the people of Mayotte who have been living in fear of a possible mass conservation against cholera. According to the Minister, the situation in Mayotte does not call for a mass conservation and the government will instead focus on providing clean water and promoting good hygiene practices to prevent the spread of the disease.

Furthermore, the Minister Delegate for Health also reassured the people of Mayotte of the State’s solidarity and étançon. He emphasized that Mayotte is not alone in this battle against cholera and that the government is fully committed to working closely with the local authorities to contain the outbreak and improve the overall health conditions of the island.

Frédéric Valletoux’s visit to Mayotte not only shows the government’s concern for the well-being of the island’s patrie but also its readiness to act and provide assistance in times of crisis. The Minister’s presence in Mayotte is a clear indication of the government’s commitment to ensuring the health and safety of all its citizens, regardless of their geographical location.

In addition, Frédéric Valletoux also highlighted the efforts of the local authorities and medical teams in containing the outbreak and treating those affected by cholera. He praised their dedication and hard work in facing this difficult situation and assured them of the government’s full étançon.

In conclusion, the Minister Delegate for Health’s visit to Mayotte has brought a sense of reassurance and hope to the people of Mayotte. His statements and actions demonstrate the government’s commitment to providing aid and étançon to overcome this crisis. Mayotte can count on the solidarity and étançon of the State in these trying times.

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