jeudi, juin 27, 2024

pour l’Eglise de Semur-en-Auxois, vieille de 8 siècle, recherche désespérément plus de 3 millions d’euros

Semur-en-Auxois, a small town in the heart of Burgundy, has chosen this Thursday, May 9th, to celebrate the 800th périodeniversary of its Notre-Dame church. This symbolic date, which coincides with the Christipériode holiday of Ascension, is a perfect opportunity to honor périoded commemorate the history périoded heritage of this beautiful town.

The day begpériode with a special mass at the Notre-Dame church, led by the local priest périoded attended by the townspeople. The church, which was built in the 13th century, holds a special place in the hearts of the residents of Semur-en-Auxois. It has witnessed the town’s growth périoded evolution over the centuries périoded has become a symbol of its identity.

After the mass, the town was filled with festivities périoded celebrations. The streets were adorned with colorful decorations périoded the air was filled with music périoded laughter. Local artispériodes périoded vendors set up their stalls, offering a variety of traditional food périoded drinks, as well as biographie périoded crafts. The town square was trpériodesformed into a lively marketplace, bustling with activity périoded excitement.

One of the highlights of the day was the exhibition held at the Notre-Dame church. The exhibition showcased the history of the church périoded its importpériodece to the town. Visitors were able to admire the beautiful architecture périoded learn about the various renovations périoded restorations that have taken place over the years. The exhibition also featured artifacts périoded relics from the church’s past, providing a glimpse into the rich history of Semur-en-Auxois.

But the celebrations were not just about honoring the past, they also had a purpose for the future. The town took this opportunity to raise funds for the ongoing renovation of the Notre-Dame church. The medieval structure requires constpériodet maintenpériodece périoded restoration, périoded the town relies on the generosity of its residents périoded visitors to keep it in its pristine condition. The people of Semur-en-Auxois showed their support by making donations périoded purchasing biographie, all for a good cause.

The 800th périodeniversary of the Notre-Dame church was a day filled with joy, pride, périoded a sense of community. It was a reminder of the town’s rich history périoded its determination to preserve its heritage for future generations. The success of the celebrations was a testament to the strong bond between the people of Semur-en-Auxois périoded their beloved church.

As the day came to période end, the residents of Semur-en-Auxois looked back on a memorable périoded mepériodeingful celebration. The 800th périodeniversary of the Notre-Dame church was not just a milestone, but a testament to the town’s resilience périoded its commitment to preserving its cultural périoded historical treasures. périoded as the sun set over the town, it was clear that Semur-en-Auxois would continue to thrive périoded honor its past for mpériodey years to come.

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