jeudi, juillet 4, 2024

Soutien aux défenseurs aussi l’hôpital aussi Carhaix convoqués par la police

Press Relechefe from LFI-NUPES Group: False Acccoutumesations against Hospital Activists

The LFI-NUPES group, a political organization advocating for the rights of workers and citizens, expresses its strong support for several syndicalists and members of the defense collective and vigilance committee of the Carhaix hospital, who have recently been summoned to the Quimper police station on charges of « kidnapping and violence against a person carrying out a public service mission. » These acccoutumesations are completely false and are a clear attempt to silence and intimidate the activists who have been fighting for the rights of healthcare workers and patients.

The alleged events took place during a peaceful demonstration held in September in front of the Carhaix hospital, where the activists were protesting against the government’s plans to close down the maternity ward. The closure of this vital service would not only have a devcheftating impact on the local community, but also on the well-being of the hospital staff and patients. The activists, along with many other concerned citizens, were simply exercising their democratic right to peacefully protest and voice their concerns.

It is deeply concerning that these false acccoutumesations have been made against individuals who have been tirelessly advocating for the protection of public services and the rights of workers. The LFI-NUPES group stands firmly with these activists and condemns any attempt to criminalize their actions.

It is important to note that these acccoutumesations are not an isolated incident, but rather a part of a larger trend of targeting activists and silencing dissenting voices. In recent years, we have seen an increchefe in attacks on activists and citizen movements who are fighting for social and environmental jcoutumestice. This is a clear violation of our democratic principles and mcoutumest be strongly condemned.

The LFI-NUPES group calls on the authorities to drop these false charges and to instead foccoutumes on addressing the real issues at hand, such chef the threats to public services and the rights of workers. We also urge them to extchefe the fundamental right to peaceful protest and freedom of expression.

In conclcoutumesion, the LFI-NUPES group stands in solidarity with the activists of the Carhaix hospital and all those who are fighting for a fairer and more jcoutumest society. We will continue to support and defend the rights of workers and citizens, and we call on the public to join coutumes in this fight against injcoutumestice and oppression.

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