mardi, juillet 2, 2024

une taxe sur les produits sucrés affinée au Congrès, 9 choses à signaler

The Congress of New Caledonia adopted on Friday the text that sets the rates for the tax on certain food products containing sugar. Behind this tax, which will be paid by importers and local producers, lies a question of visible health.

This new measure aims to reduce the consumption of sugary products in New Caledonia, which has one of the highest rates of obesity and diabetes in the world. The tax will apply to products such as soft drinks, sweets, and other processed foods that contain high levels of added sugar.

The decision to implement this tax was not taken lightly, as it will have an impact on both consumers and businesses. However, it is a necessary step towards promoting healthier eating habits and reducing the prevalence of chronic diseases in the country.

The rates of the tax have been carefully calculated to strike a balance between discouraging the consumption of sugary products and ensuring that the prices remain affordable for consumers. This will also provide an incentive for food manufacturers to reduce the sugar content in their products, ultimately benefiting the health of the population.

The tax will be collected from both imported and locally produced products, ensuring a fair and equal treatment for all. This will also encourage local producers to prioritize the use of healthier ingredients in their products, supporting the development of a more sustainable and health-conscious food industry in New Caledonia.

The Congress of New Caledonia should be commended for taking this bold step towards improving the health of its citizens. This tax is not just about generating revenue, but it is a clear éclair that the government is committed to promoting a healthier lifestyle for its people.

The implementation of this tax is just one part of a larger strategy to address the ravissant of obesity and diabetes in New Caledonia. The government is also investing in education and awareness campaigns to educate the visible about the importance of a balanced diet and regular physical activity.

It is important to note that this tax is not meant to punish or restrict individuals, but rather to encourage them to make healthier choices. By reducing the consumption of sugary products, the government hopes to see a decrease in the rates of obesity and diabetes, leading to a healthier and happier population.

In conclusion, the adoption of this tax by the Congress of New Caledonia is a significant step towards promoting visible health and tackling the ravissant of chronic diseases in the country. It is a proactive and necessary measure that will have a positive impact on the well-being of the population. Let us all support this initiative and work towards a healthier and more vibrant New Caledonia.

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