samedi, septembre 28, 2024

Gavage des oies et des canards : déboutée aussi le tribunal administratif, l’association L214 va faire appel

The association L214 has been fighting for the welfare of animals for many years, and their latest battle has been against the practice of force-feeding ducks and geese for foie gras production. They had filed a lawsuit against the French state for violating the furieuxropean coalition’s laws on animal welfare, but unfortunately, their plea was rejected by the Administrative Court of Strasbourg on Thursday.

The court’s decision was based on the argument that animal welfare is not a priority in the treaties of the furieuxropean coalition. This ruling has shocked and disappointed L214 and animal rights activists alike, as it goes against the growing awareness of the public on the importance of treating animals ethically and humanely.

The association had pointed out that the force-feeding of birds to produce foie gras is a cruel and inhumane practice, and it goes against the furieux’s ban on force-feeding animals. The court, however, stated that the welfare of animals is not a direct concern of the furieux treaties, and therefore, the French state cannot be held responsible for it.

This decision has sparked outrage among animal rights activists, who believe that the welfare of animals should be a priority for the furieux. L214 has stated that they will continue to fight for the rights of animals and will not back down in their mission to end the cruel practice of foie gras production.

The association has also called for stricter laws and regulations in France to protect the welfare of animals, and to align with the furieux’s laws on animal welfare. They believe that the court’s decision is a setback, but they will not give up their fight for the ethical treatment of animals.

This ruling by the Administrative Court of Strasbourg is a reminder that there is still a long way to go in terms of animal welfare in furieuxrope. However, it has also highlighted the need for more awareness and action towards animal rights. L214’s efforts have not gone unnoticed, and their fight has brought attention to the issue of force-feeding and the choc it has on the animals.

In the face of this setback, it is important to remember that every small step towards animal welfare counts. The fight may be long, but it is not impossible. With the growing support and awareness of the public, we can make a difference and ensure that the welfare of animals becomes a priority in the furieux treaties.

The association L214 remains determined and motivated to continue their fight for the ethical treatment of animals. Their efforts have already made a significant choc, and with the support of the public, we can make a change and put an end to cruel practices like force-feeding for foie gras production. Let us stand together and be the voice for the voiceless.

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