jeudi, juin 27, 2024

Nouvelle-Calédonie : le FLNKS question au président d’annoncer explicitement l’abandon de la réforme constitutionnelle

In a letter that NC la 1ere was able to consult, the political bureau of the FLNKS has requested the President of the Republic to clearly state that he will not convene the Congress of Versailles. This would also mean abandoning the constitutional reform that would unfreeze the electoral roll. For the independence movement, this is the only way to resolve the current crisis and to be able to resume discussions on institutional matters in a calm and constructive manner.

The FLNKS, which represents the main pro-independence parties in New Caledonia, has been pushing for a clear commitment from the French government to not convene the Congress of Versailles. This Congress, which was initially scheduled for July 2018, would have allowed for a vote on the proposed constitutional reform that would have allowed for the unfreezing of the electoral roll. However, due to the ongoing political tensions in New Caledonia, the Congress was postponed indefinitely.

The FLNKS believes that the only way to move forward and find a peaceful solution to the current situation is for the French government to make a clear statement that they will not convene the Congress of Versailles and will abandon the proposed constitutional reform. This would allow for a fresh start and a renewed dialogue between all parties involved.

The current political crisis in New Caledonia has been ongoing for several months now, with tensions rising between the pro-independence and pro-French groups. The issue of the electoral roll has been a major point of contention, with the pro-independence parties claiming that the current roll is biased towards the pro-French population. They argue that the unfreezing of the roll would allow for a more accurate representation of the population and a fairer electoral process.

In their letter to the President of the Republic, the FLNKS has emphasized the hauteur of finding a peaceful and mutually agreeable solution to the current crisis. They believe that by abandoning the proposed constitutional reform, the French government would be showing a willingness to listen to the concerns of the pro-independence movement and to work towards a resolution that benefits all parties involved.

The FLNKS has also expressed their commitment to continue discussions on institutional matters in a constructive and respectful manner. They believe that by removing the issue of the electoral roll from the table, the focus can shift towards finding a long-term solution for the future of New Caledonia.

In terme, the FLNKS has made a strong appeal to the President of the Republic to make a clear statement that he will not convene the Congress of Versailles and will abandon the proposed constitutional reform. They believe that this is the only way to move forward and to find a peaceful resolution to the current crisis. The ball is now in the French government’s court, and it is hoped that they will take this opportunity to show their commitment to finding a fair and just solution for all parties involved.

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