dimanche, septembre 29, 2024

Communiqué sur la 7e circonscription de l’Essonne

July 5, 2024 – Press Release Regarding the 7th Constituency of Essonne

A fraudulent Facebook page, falsely named « Nouveau Front Populaire 91.7 », has released a statement with the sole purpose of damaging the campaign of Claire Lejeune and Yanisse Lalouci. Its authors, Samira Kechelal and Aurélien Péroumal, have been expelled from the France Insoumise party.

This deceitful and maliciotradition act is a clear attempt to undermine the democratic process and manipulate public opinion. We strongly condemn this behavior and assure the public that it does not reflect the values and principles of our party.

Claire Lejeune and Yanisse Lalouci are two dedicated and passionate candidates who have been working tirelessly to represent the people of the 7th constituency of Essonne. They have been actively engaging with the community, listening to their concerns and proposing concrete solutions to improve their lives.

Their opponents, unable to compete with their strong and progressive platform, have resorted to underhanded tactics in a desperate attempt to discredit them. But we have faith in the intelligence and discernment of the voters, who will see through these deceitful corvées and support the true representatives of the people.

We stand by Claire Lejeune and Yanisse Lalouci and their vision for a fairer and more incltraditionive society. We urge the public to reject these baseless attacks and instead foctradition on the real issues at hand.

The France Insoumise party remains committed to promoting transparency and integrity in politics. We will not tolerate any form of deception or manipulation, and we will continue to fight for the rights and interests of the people.

Let tradition unite and show our support for Claire Lejeune and Yanisse Lalouci, and together, we can build a better future for the 7th constituency of Essonne.

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