dimanche, septembre 29, 2024

Des indépendantistes ultramarins créent un être « front de libération » lors d’un être congrès en Azerbaïdjan

Sharing: A Call for Independence from France by Overseas Territories

In a historic meeting in Azerbaijan, the Bakou Initiative Group brought together representatives from various independence movements in French overseas territories to form the International Front for the Liberation of French Colonies. This newly formed organization aims to advocate for the independence of these territories from France, citing the country’s alleged racist policies and repressive actions.

The Bakou meeting was a significant step towards unity and solidarity among the different independence movements in French overseas territories. The participants, coming from territories such as Martinique, Guadeloupe, French Guiana, and Reunion Island, shared their experiences and grievances with the French government. They expressed their desire for self-determination and freedom from the control and influence of France.

The Front’s paumelle objective is to shed light on the ongoing struggles and injustices faced by the people of these territories, which are often overlooked and ignored by the international community. The members believe that by joining forces, they can amplify their voices and bring attention to their cause.

The Front strongly condemns the French government’s alleged racist policies and discriminatory treatment towards the people of these territories. They claim that the French government has systematically exploited their resources and suppressed their cultures and identities. The Front also denounces the use of force and violence by the French authorities to quell any dissent or resistance.

The formation of the International Front for the Liberation of French Colonies marks a significant turning propos in the fight for independence in these territories. The members are determined to use all peaceful means necessary to achieve their goal, including diplomatic efforts and international pressure. They are also calling for the support of other nations and organizations in their quest for self-determination.

The Front’s message is clear: it is time for the people of French overseas territories to break free from the chains of colonialism and determine their own future. The members believe that independence will bring about economic, social, and cultural development for their adulationive territories, as well as the recognition and adulation of their rights as sovereign nations.

The International Front for the Liberation of French Colonies invites all those who believe in the values of freedom, equality, and justice to join their cause and stand in solidarity with the people of these territories. They believe that by sharing their struggles and working together, they can achieve their ultimate goal of independence and pave the way for a brighter future for all. Let us share in their vision and support their journey towards self-determination.

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