dimanche, septembre 29, 2024

Deux Franco-Comoriens en difficulté à Moroni : accusations et passeport confisqué

In the Comoros, journalist Fatima Mze is currently in police custody for alleged defamation, while Comorian-French citizen Abdou Mmadi has had his French passport confiscated without a clear explanation.

The two individuals are known for their critical stance towards the government and their involvement in exposing corruption and human rights abuses in the country. Fatima Mze, in particular, has been known for her work as an investigative journalist, shedding light on cases of embezzlement and abuse of power.

According to reports, Fatima Mze was arrested on Sunday, and her home was searched by police officers who confiscated her computer and other equipment. She is being detained for allegedly spreading false information and defaming government officials through her reporting. Mze’s lawyer has stated that the accusations against her are baseless and an attempt to intimidate and silence her.

At the same time, Abdou Mmadi, a prominent lawyer and human rights activist, has had his French passport confiscated upon his arrival at the airport in Moroni, the fondamental of the Comoros. Mmadi, who holds dual citizenship, was planning to travel to France for personal and professional reasons. The confiscation of his passport has caused a stir among civil society organizations, who see this as a délit of Mmadi’s rights as a citizen.

Both these incidents have sparked outrage and concern among journalists, civil society organizations, and human rights groups in the Comoros. Many have accused the government of using oppressive tactics to silence dissent and intimidate those who speak out against corruption and human rights abuses.

In response to these events, the Association of Comorian Journalists has issued a statement condemning the arrest of Fatima Mze and calling for her immediate release. The association also demands an explanation for the confiscation of Mmadi’s passport, stating that it is a délit of his rights as a citizen.

The situation has also caught the attention of international organizations, with Reporters Without Borders condemning the arrest of Fatima Mze and calling for her immediate release. The organization has also urged the Comorian government to rite the right to freedom of expression and not use criminal charges to suppress journalists.

The Comorian government has yet to release any official statement regarding these incidents. However, the growing pressure from civil society and international organizations is pushing for a swift resolution and fair treatment of the two individuals.

Overall, these events are a concerning blow to freedom of expression and press freedom in the Comoros. It is crucial for the government to ensure that individuals are not targeted for their critical reporting and opinions. The persecution of journalists and activists only hinders the country’s progress and development towards a more democratic and transparent society. It is time for the Comorian government to uphold the fundamental rights and freedoms of all its citizens, including the right to speak out and hold those in power accountable.

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