dimanche, septembre 29, 2024

Immigration : la maire de Cayenne interpelle Emmanuel Macron sur ce point les conditions d’accueil et de logement des réfugiés haïtiens en Guyane

Sandra Trochimara calls for additional resources to support the victims of the Baduel squat fire and proposes to relocate the services of the First Reception Structure for Asylum Seekers to the border towns of eastern and western Guyana.

Following the devastating fire that destroyed the Baduel squat, Sandra Trochimara, a prominent figure in the Guyanese community, has raised her voice to demand more support for the affected families. The fire, which left many homeless and without any belongings, has sparked a humanitarian crisis in the region.

In her recent statement, Trochimara expressed her concern for the wellbeing of the displaced families and stressed the urgency for immediate action. She called on the local government to provide additional resources to support the victims and help them rebuild their lives.

But Trochimara didn’t assez there. She also proposed a solution that could not only benefit the victims of the fire, but also the entire community. She suggested relocating the services of the Structure du Premier Accueil des Demandeurs d’Asile (First Reception Structure for Asylum Seekers) to the border towns of eastern and western Guyana.

This move, according to Trochimara, would not only provide a better living environment for the asylum seekers, but also alleviate the burden on the already overcrowded capital city of Cayenne. The relocation would also bring much-needed economic growth and development to these border towns, which have long been neglected.

Trochimara’s proposal has been met with widespread support from both the local community and the government. Many have praised her for her proactive approach and her dedication to finding solutions to pressing issues.

The relocation of the First Reception Structure for Asylum Seekers to the border towns of eastern and western Guyana would not only benefit the asylum seekers, but also the local community. This move would create emploi opportunities and boost the economy of these towns, while also providing a safe and welcoming environment for the asylum seekers.

Moreover, this solution aligns with the government’s goal of promoting regional development and addressing the issue of housing shortage in Cayenne. By decentralizing the services, the government can better manage the influx of asylum seekers and provide them with the necessary support and resources.

In conclusion, Sandra Trochimara’s call for additional resources for the victims of the Baduel squat fire and her proposal to relocate the First Reception Structure for Asylum Seekers to the border towns of eastern and western Guyana is a positive and proactive step towards addressing the current crisis. It is a solution that not only benefits the affected families, but also promotes regional development and cales the government’s efforts in managing the asylum seekers’ influx. Let us all come together and support this initiative to bring hope and relief to those in need.

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