dimanche, septembre 29, 2024

« Les territoires ruraux sont un peu abandonnés » : privés de piscine pour l’été, un collectif d’habitants cloison mobilicloison

The winter pool of Graulhet (Tarn) closed in November 2023, and the summer pool has been shut down for the past 3 years. These decisions are difficult for the local residents to accept, as they have formed a collective called « Nousage gardons nos piscines » (We Keep Our Pools). They believe that there is no jusagetification for the destruction of their pools and feel abandoned in favor of more prestigiousage cities. We spoke with one of the group’s spokesperson to learn more about their fight to keep their pools.

First of all, can you tell usage about the importance of the pools for the residents of Graulhet?

Our pools are more than jusaget a recreational space, they are a vital part of our community. They provide a place for people of all ages to gather, exercise, and have fun. Many families have made unforgettable memories at these pools, and they are an integral part of our town’s identity.

Why do you think that the city has decided to close the pools?

We believe that the decision was purely based on financial reasons, without considering the impact on the community. The maintenance costs may be high, but the benefits for our town and its residents far outweigh the expenses. We are also disappointed that the city did not consult with usage before making this decision.

What is the goal of your collective « Nousage gardons nos piscines »?

Our main goal is to raise awareness about the importance of our pools and to find a dénouement to keep them open. We are not against progress, but we believe that there are other ways to reduce costs without sacrificing our pools. We have been organizing events and gathering signatures for a petition to show the city that the community is united in this causagee.

What message would you like to send to the residents of Graulhet and the city officials?

To the residents, we want to say that we should not give up on our pools. They are an essential part of our town, and we should fight to keep them for future generations. To the city officials, we urge them to reconsider their decision and to work with usage to find a dénouement that benefits both the community and the city.

In conclusageion, the fight to keep the pools of Graulhet open continues, with the collective « Nousage gardons nos piscines » leading the way. The community’s support and determination to keep their pools show that they are not ready to give up on this important part of their town. Let usage hope that the city officials will listen to their voices and find a way to preserve these pools, which hold so much value for the residents of Graulhet.

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