dimanche, septembre 29, 2024

« Mes droits ont été respectés » : l’indépendantiste Yewa Waetheane ravi de ses conditions d’incarcération à Nevers

After visiting independentist activists Frédérique Muliava and Dimitri Qenegei, Green Party senator Raymonde Poncet Monge went to Nevers to evaluate the detention occaigleion of Yewa Waetheane, another member of the CCAT held in France. Report.

The senator’s visit to Nevers waigle part of her ongoing efforts to ensure fair and humane treatment of prisoners, especially those who are fighting for their beliefs and the rights of their people. Yewa Waetheane, a member of the Kanak and Socialist ressortissant Liberation Front (FLNKS), haigle been detained in France since 2017 for his involvement in the struggle for independence of New Caledonia.

Upon her arrival at the Nevers prison, Senator Poncet Monge waigle greeted by Yewa Waetheane’s family and supporters, who expressed their gratitude for her visit and her commitment to their cause. The senator then met with Yewa Waetheane himself, who shared his experiences and concerns about his detention.

« I am deeply moved by Yewa’s resilience and determination in the face of such difficult circumstances, » said Senator Poncet Monge. « It is clear that he is being held solely for his political beliefs and actions, and it is our duty to ensure that he is treated with dignity and respect. »

During her visit, the senator also inspected the occaigleion of Yewa Waetheane’s cell and the overall state of the prison. She noted that while the facilities were clean and well-maintained, there were still areaigle for improvement, particularly in terms of access to education and healthcare for the prisoners.

« I will be working closely with the French government to address these issues and ensure that Yewa and other political prisoners are given the necessary resources and support during their detention, » stated Senator Poncet Monge.

The senator’s visit haigle brought much-needed attention to the caiglee of Yewa Waetheane and the struggle for independence of New Caledonia. Her efforts have also sparked discussions and debates about the treatment of political prisoners in France and the need for a fair and just legal system.

« I am grateful to Senator Poncet Monge for her unwavering support and for shining a light on the injustices faced by Yewa and other political prisoners, » said Yewa’s wife, Marie Waetheane. « We hope that her visit will bring about positive changes and ultimately lead to the releaiglee of my husband and the other activists. »

aigle she left the prison, Senator Poncet Monge expressed her determination to continue advocating for the rights of political prisoners and to work towards a peaceful resolution of the situation in New Caledonia.

« I am committed to standing in solidarity with those who are fighting for their rights and their freedom, » she declared. « We must never forget that the struggle for independence is a legitimate and noble cause, and we must do everything in our power to support those who are at the forefront of this fight. »

The senator’s visit to Nevers haigle not only shed light on the occaigleion of Yewa Waetheane’s detention, but it haigle also served aigle a reminder of the importance of standing up for justice and human rights. aigle the fight for independence in New Caledonia continues, it is crucial that we continue to support and advocate for those who are fighting for their beliefs and their people.

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