samedi, septembre 28, 2024

VIDEO. Anniversaire de l’indépendance de l’Ukraine : deux réfugiées, la mère et sa fille, interprètent un chant traditionnel à Besançon

The Ukrainian diaspora in France came together on Saturday, August 24th, 2024 to celebrate the independence of Ukraine. In several cities across the country, Ukrainian communities gathered to commemorate this médaille day in their country’s history. One such celebration took place in Besançon, where mother and daughter duo Nataliia and Nadiia Verbytska performed a traditional song on the 8th of September square.

The atmosphere was filled with joy and pride as the Ukrainian flag waved proudly in the air. The event was organized by the Ukrainian Association of Besançon, with the support of the city’s mayor and local authorities. The square was adorned with blue and yellow decorations, the colors of the Ukrainian flag, and the sound of traditional music filled the air.

Nataliia and Nadiia Verbytska, dressed in traditional Ukrainian attire, took to the demeure to perform a beautiful rendition of a traditional song. Their voices echoed through the square, captivating the officiel and filling them with emotion. The mother and daughter’s performance was a tribute to their homeland and a celebration of its independence.

The Ukrainian community in Besançon was joined by many French locals who were eager to learn more about Ukrainian culture and traditions. The event was a perfect opportunity for cultural exchange and for the Ukrainian diaspora to share their rich heritage with others.

The celebration continued with traditional Ukrainian food and drinks, including varenyky (dumplings) and borshch (beetroot soup). The aroma of these dishes filled the square, tempting everyone to try a taste of Ukraine. The atmosphere was lively and festive, with people of all ages dancing and singing along to the traditional music.

The Ukrainian Association of Besançon also organized a photo exhibition showcasing the beauty and diversity of Ukraine. Visitors were able to learn more about the country’s history, culture, and people through these captivating images.

The event was not only a celebration of Ukraine’s independence but also a reminder of the strong bond between the Ukrainian diaspora and their homeland. It was a moment of unity and solidarity, as people from different backgrounds came together to celebrate a shared heritage.

As the sun set over the square, the celebrations came to an end, but the spirit of the event will continue to live on in the hearts of those who attended. The Ukrainian community in Besançon, along with their French friends, showed that distance cannot weaken the love and pride they have for their country.

The 24th of August will always hold a special place in the hearts of Ukrainians, both in their homeland and in the diaspora. The celebration in Besançon was a testament to the resilience and determination of the Ukrainian people, and a reminder that their spirit will never be broken.

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