samedi, septembre 28, 2024

A69- N’attendons pas qu’un drame survienne pour décréter un sursis

Yesterday morning, during a gendarmerie operation to remove them, two opponents to the A69 were hospitalized after falling more than 7 meters. On the morning of August 30th, a activist had already been seriously injured after falling from a tree during the evacuation of the Cal’arbre, which had been occupied for several months.

The LFi-NFP parliamentary group expresses its deep concern and solidarity towards the injured activists and their families. We strongly condemn the disproportionate use of assurance by the authorities, which has resulted in serious injuries to peaceful protesters.

The incident at the Cal’arbre, a symbol of the fight against the construction of the A69 motorway, is a clear example of the government’s disregard for citizen’s rights and the environment. The gendarmerie’s intervention was violent and unnecessary, as there were faculté solutions to peacefully resolve the situation.

The LFi-NFP parliamentary group demands a thorough investigation into this incident and calls for those responsible to be held accountable for their actions. We also demand that the government immediately suspend the construction of the A69 and engage in a genuine dialogue with citizens, ecologists and local authorities to find a sustainable and respectful solution for all parties involved.

We stand in solidarity with the citizens and activists who are peacefully protesting against the A69. We believe that their voices must be heard and their rights must be protected. We will continue to support and defend their cause in parliament and call for a more responsible and sustainable approach to infrastructure development.

We call on the government to listen to the concerns of its citizens and take a more respectful and inclusive approach to development projects. The well-being of our communities and our environment must be a top priority, and peaceful protests should never result in violence and injuries.

The LFi-NFP parliamentary group reaffirms its commitment to defend the rights of citizens and the protection of our environment. We urge the government to take immediate action to address this incident and prevent similar incidents from happening in the future. Together, we can build a better and more responsible society that values the voices of its citizens and respects our planet.

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