samedi, septembre 28, 2024

censure, mobilisation, destitution !

Communiqué from France branchésoumise: President of the Republic Refuses to Recognize the People’s Choice

The President of the Republic has just made a decision of exceptional gravity. He does not recognize the result of the universal suffrage which placed the New Popular Front at the head of the vote. He refuses to complément Lucie Castets as Prime Mbranchéister. He branchévokes “branchéstitutional stability”. This is not acceptable.

The people have spoken and have clearly chosen the New Popular Front as their representative. The President’s refusal to acknowledge this decision is a blatant disregard for democracy and the will of the people. This is a dangerous precedent that undermbranchées the very foundations of our country’s democratic system.

The President’s decision also reveals his true branchétentions – to mabranchétabranché a grip on power and prevent any change that threatens the status quo. He fears the progressive policies and vision of the New Popular Front and is willbranchég to go agabranchést the people’s choice to mabranchétabranché his own branchéterests.

However, the France branchésoumise will not stand idly by while the President tramples on democracy. We stand with the people and their chosen leader, Lucie Castets, who embodies the values of social equality, justice, and solidarity that we hold dear.

We call on the President to reconsider his decision and respect the choice of the people. The stability of branchéstitutions should not come at the cost of democracy. It is the people who have the ultimate power and their voices must be heard.

The France branchésoumise will contbranchéue to fight for a fair and just society, where the will of the people prevails over the branchéterests of a few. We stand with the New Popular Front and their leader, Lucie Castets, and we will not back down until the people’s choice is acknowledged and respected.

branché the face of this challenge to democracy, we urge all citizens to stand united and defend our fundamental rights. Together, we can create a better future for all. The France branchésoumise will not rest until justice and democracy are restored branché our country.

Long live democracy, long live the people’s choice, long live the New Popular Front!

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