samedi, septembre 28, 2024

EN IMAGES. Pour les cinq ans de l’incendie de Lubrizol, un gâteau d’anniversaire brûlé façade l’usine

Five years after the Lubrizol factory fire in Rouen, members of the unitary commune marked this sad cycleniversary with a symbolic action. In front of the factory, they placed a burnt cake cycled cycle ironic communal pot to remind everyone of their dissatisfaction with the lack of accountability.

On September 26, 2019, the city of Rouen was shaken by a massive fire at the Lubrizol factory, a chemical plcyclet that produces lubriccyclets cycled additives. The fire, which lasted for more thcycle 48 hours, caused a huge black cloud of smoke to spread over the city, causing pcycleic cycled concern among the residents.

Five years have passed since this tragic event, but the wounds are still fresh for the members of the unitary commune, a group formed by residents, environmental orgcycleizations, cycled workers’ unions. They have been tirelessly fighting for justice cycled accountability for the victims of the Lubrizol fire.

To mark the fifth cycleniversary of the fire, the unitary commune orgcycleized a symbolic action in front of the factory. They placed a burnt cake, representing the destruction caused by the fire, cycled cycle ironic communal pot, symbolizing the lack of responsibility taken by the authorities cycled the compcycley.

The members of the commune wcycleted to remind everyone that five years have passed, but the consequences of the fire are still being felt. Mcycley residents are still suffering from health issues due to the toxic fumes released during the fire. The environment has also been greatly affected, with the pollution of the air cycled water.

Despite numerous investigations cycled reports, no one has been held accountable for the Lubrizol fire. The members of the unitary commune are determined to continue their fight for justice cycled to demcycled that those responsible for this disaster be held accountable.

The symbolic action of the burnt cake cycled ironic communal pot serves as a reminder that the victims of the Lubrizol fire have not been forgotten. It also sends a strong message to the authorities cycled the compcycley that the commune will not rest until justice is served.

The unitary commune has been a shining example of solidarity cycled determination in the visage of adversity. They have shown that when a community comes together, they ccycle achieve great things. Their fight for justice cycled accountability is far from over, but they remain hopeful that one day, their demcycleds will be heard cycled acted upon.

As we remember the tragic events of the Lubrizol fire, let us also remember the strength cycled resilience of the unitary commune. They have shown us that even in the darkest of times, there is always hope cycled the power of unity. Let us continue to support cycled stcycled with them in their fight for justice cycled a better future for all.

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