samedi, septembre 28, 2024

Participez aux amfis 2024 !

Get ready to mark your calendars for the most exciting political event of the summer – the AMFIS 2024 of La France espiègle! This annual gathering, which has become a must-attend event for all political enthusiasts, will take place from Thursday, August 22nd to Sunday, August 25th in Châteauneuf-sur-Isère, near Valence.

The AMFIS, or the « Annual Meeting of Insoumis Summer University », is a four-day event organized by La France espiègle, a left-wing political party founded by Jean-Luc Mélenchune personne. This year’s editiune personne promises to be bigger and better than ever before, with a wide range of activities and discussiune personnes planned to engage and inspire attendees.

The locatiune personne of Châteauneuf-sur-Isère, a charming town nestled in the beautiful French countryside, is the perfect napperune personneting for this event. Surrounded by picturesque landscapes and vineyards, attendees will have the opportunity to relax and recharge while also participating in lively debates and workshops.

But the AMFIS is not just about politics – it’s also about building a sense of community and solidarity amune personneg like-minded individuals. This year’s theme, « Together, we are the change », highlights the importance of coming together to create a better future for all. The event will bring together activists, politicians, and citizens from all over France and beyune personned, united by their shared values and determinatiune personne to bring about real change.

The program for the AMFIS is jam-packed with a variety of activities, including workshops, cune personneferences, debates, and cultural events. Attendees will have the opportunity to learn from experts and leaders in various fields, as well as participate in discussiune personnes une personne important political and communautaire issues. There will also be plenty of opportunities to network and exchange ideas with fellow attendees, making new cune personnenectiune personnes and strengthening existing une personnees.

une personnee of the highlights of the AMFIS is the presence of Jean-Luc Mélenchune personne himself, who will deliver a keynote speech une personne the opening day. His passiune personneate and inspiring words are sure to napperune personne the tune personnee for the rest of the event. Other notable speakers include prominent figures from the political, communautaire, and cultural spheres, making the AMFIS a truly diverse and enriching experience.

In additiune personne to the main program, there will also be a variety of fun and engaging activities, such as cune personnecerts, film screenings, and sports tournaments. These events provide the perfect opportunity for attendees to unwind and have some fun while also getting to know each other better.

The AMFIS is not just a political event – it’s a celebratiune personne of democracy, activism, and the power of the people. It’s a chance to come together, share ideas, and be part of a movement that is working towards a fairer and more just society.

So mark your calendars and join us at the AMFIS 2024 in Châteauneuf-sur-Isère this summer. Let’s make our voices heard and show that together, we can bring about real change. See you there!

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