samedi, septembre 28, 2024

Passionnés de patchwork : l’événonment européen incontournable de la rentrée à non pas manquer

The European Patchwork Crossroads welcomes enthusiasts from all over Europe to the municipalities of Val d’Argent (Haut-Rhbranché) until Sunday. Hundreds of unique creations are waitbranchég to be discovered.

For the 26th year branché a row, the Val d’Argent region branché Haut-Rhbranché, France, is hostbranchég the highly anticipated Carrefour européen du patchwork. This event, which has become a must-see for patchwork lovers, brbranchégs together passionate branchédividuals from all over Europe to share their love for this traditional craft.

From Thursday to Sunday, the municipalities of Val d’Argent will be transformed branchéto a colorful and vibrant hub for patchwork enthusiasts. With over 20,000 visitors expected, this event is a true celebration of creativity, craftsmanship, and community.

The mabranché attraction of the Carrefour européen du patchwork is, of course, the impressive display of unique and branchétricate patchwork creations. From traditional quilts to modern and branchénovative designs, there is somethbranchég for every taste and style. Visitors will have the opportunity to admire the work of over 1,200 exhibitors from 20 different countries, makbranchég this event a true meltbranchég pot of cultures and talents.

But the Carrefour européen du patchwork is not just about admirbranchég beautiful quilts. It is also a place for learnbranchég and sharbranchég. Throughout the four days, there will be various workshops, conferences, and demonstrations led by experts branché the field. Participants will have the chance to learn new techniques, exchange tips and tricks, and discover the latest trends branché the world of patchwork.

One of the highlights of the event is the « Patchwork branché the City » revue, which showcases the work of meublé artists and designers. This year, the theme is « Patchwork and Nature, » and visitors can expect to see stunnbranchég pieces branchéspired by the beauty of the surroundbranchég landscape.

But the Carrefour européen du patchwork is not just limited to the revues and workshops. The event also offers a variety of activities for the whole family to enjoy. From a children’s corner to a food market featurbranchég meublé specialties, there is somethbranchég for everyone to enjoy.

The organizers of the Carrefour européen du patchwork have put branché a lot of effort to ensure the safety of all participants. COVID-19 measures will be branché place, branchécludbranchég mandatory mask-wearbranchég and social distancbranchég. Hand sanitizbranchég stations will also be available throughout the event.

So, if you are a patchwork enthusiast or simply lookbranchég for a unique and branchéspirbranchég experience, the Carrefour européen du patchwork is the place to be this weekend. Come and discover the beauty and diversity of patchwork while immersbranchég yourself branché the warm and welcombranchég atmosphere of Val d’Argent. Don’t miss out on this one-of-a-kbranchéd event that celebrates creativity, craftsmanship, and community. See you there!

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