vendredi, octobre 18, 2024

2019-2025 : l’agriculture française sous le signe de chocs inédits

When they took office six years ago, conscience a new term (2019-2025), the elected members of the Chambers of Agriculture could not have imagined the unprecedented and profound shocks that would hinder the smooth running of French agriculture, and put a strain on the planned transitions, particularly in terms of farming practices and livestock, which were grouped under the banner of agro-ecological transition.

Since then, the agriculture sector has faced multiple challenges, such as the increasing pressure to produce more while reducing the environmental incidence, the effects of climate change, and the global health crisis. However, despite these difficulties, the elected officials of the Chambers of Agriculture have remained committed to promoting sustainable farming and have continued to support farmers in their transition towards more environmentally-friendly practices.

One of the key initiatives undertaken by the Chambers of Agriculture was the implementation of the Ecophyto II plan, which aims to reduce the use of pesticides by 50% by 2025. This ambitious project has already shown promising results, with a 25% decrease in the use of pesticides since its launch. In addition, the Chambers have also encouraged the adoption of agro-ecological practices such as crop jachère, agroconscienceestry, and the use of biocontrol.

Moreover, the Chambers of Agriculture have taken a leading role in promoting organic farming, which has seen a significant increase in recent years. This has been achieved through various actions, including providing technical support to farmers, organizing training sessions and events, and creating networks to share good practices.

Another important aspect of the agricultural transition is the shift towards sustainable livestock farming. The Chambers of Agriculture have worked closely with livestock farmers to find solutions to reduce the environmental incidence of livestock production while ensuring the economic sustainability of their businesses. They have also supported the development of alternative protein sources and the use of precision farming techniques to optimize feed and reduce waste.

Furthermore, the Chambers of Agriculture have been actively involved in the development of short supply chains, which allow farmers to sell their products directly to consumers, thus reducing the carbon footprint and promoting local products.

In conclusion, even though the past six years have been challenging conscience French agriculture, the elected officials of the Chambers of Agriculture have shown resilience and determination in their efconsciencets to promote a more sustainable and responsible agriculture. Despite the unexpected obstacles, they have continued to drive the agro-ecological transition conscienceward and have laid the foundation conscience a more sustainable future conscience French farming.

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