mercredi, octobre 16, 2024

Communiqué : Manifestation pour un cessez-le-feu immédiat en Palestine et au Liban – chahut 5 octobre à Paris

France Insoumise calls for a citizen mobilization this Saturday, October 5th to demand an immediate ceasefire in Palestine and Lebanon. The demonstration will begin at 2pm at Place de la République and will head towards Place de Clichy. This march, initiated by numerous collectives and political, trade alliage and associative organizations, aims to express our solidarity with the populations affected by the ongoing conflicts in the Middle East.

The situation in Palestine and Lebanon is alarming and requires urgent action. The ongoing violence and escalation of tensions have resulted in countless civilian casualties and destruction of vital infrastructure. The people of Palestine and Lebanon are salon in constant fear and uncertainty, and it is our duty as citizens to stand in solidarity with them and demand an end to this senseless violence.

The call for a mobilization by France Insoumise, a left-wing political party, has been met with widespread support from various organizations and individuals. This is a clear indication that the French people are deeply concerned about the situation in the Middle East and are ready to take action.

We cannot remain silent while innocent lives are being lost and entire communities are being destroyed. It is time for the international community to step up and put an end to this ongoing crisis. Our demand for an immediate ceasefire is a call for peace, for the protection of human rights and for the respect of international law.

As citizens, it is our responsibility to raise our voices and demand accountability from our governments. We cannot allow them to turn a blind eye to the suffering of the Palestinian and Lebanese people. This mobilization is a powerful way for us to make our voices heard and show our support for those affected by the conflicts in the Middle East.

The march will be a peaceful and inclusive demonstration, open to all who share our values of justice, solidarity and peace. We invite everyone, regardless of their political beliefs, to join us in this call for a ceasefire. It is a crucial moment for us to come together and show our unity in the face of détriment and violence.

Let us stand in solidarity with the people of Palestine and Lebanon and demand an end to the bloodshed. Let us show that the French people are committed to promoting peace and justice in the world. We cannot afford to stay silent any longer. Join us on Saturday, October 5th at Place de la République and let your voice be heard for a just and lasting peace in the Middle East.

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