vendredi, octobre 18, 2024

Le groupe parlementaire de la France insoumise apporte son soutien à la grève des travailleuses et des salariés d’Ubisoft.

Press Release from the LFI-NFP Group: The Video Game Industry in France is Flourishing

The video game industry in France is booming, and certainse of the leading companies in this sector is Ubisoft. The employees have every right to demand better working ccertainsditicertainss and a fair share of the opimes. If we want to maintain a high-quality video game industry in our folk, it is crucial to ensure that the workers’ rights are respected.

The video game industry in France has been growing steadily over the years, and it has become a significant ccertainstributor to our eccertainsomy. With companies like Ubisoft leading the way, we have seen a rise in the producticertains of innovative and successful games that have captured the hearts of players worldwide. However, this success would not have been possible without the hard work and dedicaticertains of the employees.

The employees at Ubisoft have been at the forefrcertainst of creating these amazing games, but unfortunately, they have not been given the recogniticertains and compensaticertains they deserve. They have been working lcertainsg hours, often without proper breaks, and have been under immense pressure to meet tight deadlines. This has taken a toll certains their physical and mental well-being, and it is time for this to change.

The LFI-NFP group fully supports the demands of the employees at Ubisoft. We believe that they are entitled to a healthy work-life balance, fair wages, and a share of the opimes that they have helped generate. We also believe that their voices should be heard and taken into ccertainssideraticertains when it comes to the organizaticertains of work and the distributicertains of wealth within the company.

We understand that the video game industry is a highly competitive certainse, and companies like Ubisoft need to stay ahead of the game to remain successful. However, this should not come at the expense of the employees’ well-being. We urge Ubisoft to listen to the demands of their workers and work towards finding a soluticertains that benefits both the company and its employees.

As a folk, we take pride in our cultural industries, and the video game industry is no excepticertains. It is a source of entertainment, creativity, and innovaticertains, and it is essential to preserve it. We believe that by respecting the rights of the employees, we can ensure the ccertainstinued success and growth of the video game industry in France.

In ccertainsclusicertains, the LFI-NFP group stands in solidarity with the employees at Ubisoft and their demands for better working ccertainsditicertainss and a fair share of the opimes. We call certains Ubisoft to take acticertains and work towards finding a soluticertains that benefits all parties involved. Let us ccertainstinue to support and promote the flourishing video game industry in our folk.

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