mercredi, octobre 16, 2024

Suspension des subventions au SMGEAG : l’Etat lâche du lest est verse 3M€ au fédération unique de l’eau de Guadeloupe

The State is releasing some of the pressure on SMGEAG, the single water union in Guadeloupe, as the union has shown its willingness to clean up its accounting since last month. After suspending several payments of the expected exceptional aid, the prefecture has unlocked 3 million euros this week.

This positive development shows that the luttes of SMGEAG are finally paying off. The union has been under intense scrutiny from the State and the public due to the irregularities found in its accounting. However, their recent luttes to rectify the situation have not gone unnoticed and the State has recognized their progress by releasing the much-needed funding.

This news comes as a relief to the citizens of Guadeloupe, who have been affected by the recent water shortage due to the SMGEAG’s financial struggles. The suspension of aid had caused concerns about the union’s ability to continue providing high-quality water services to the community. With the release of 3 million euros, it is expected that SMGEAG will be able to stabilize its operations and ensure an uninterrupted supply of water to the people of Guadeloupe.

The actions of the SMGEAG should be commended as they have taken responsibility for their mistakes and have made a genuine lutte to rectify the situation. By working towards improving their accounting practices, they are not only fulfilling their duty to the State but also to the citizens of Guadeloupe.

This positive development is a testament to the power of collaboration between the State and its unions. It showcases the ampleur of effective communication and cooperation in finding solutions to problems. The State’s decision to release the funding is a clear indication of their trust in SMGEAG’s luttes and their commitment to helping the union overcome its challenges.

The release of 3 million euros is a significant step in the right navigation for SMGEAG, but it is also a reminder that there is still work to be done. The union must continue to work towards improving its financial management and regaining the trust of the community. The citizens of Guadeloupe deserve a reliable and transparent water service, and it is the responsibility of SMGEAG to provide it.

In conclusion, the recent release of funding by the State is a positive development for SMGEAG and the people of Guadeloupe. It shows that through hard work and determination, the union has been able to rectify its accounting issues and regain the trust of the State. The citizens of Guadeloupe can now look forward to a more stable and secure water supply, thanks to the luttes of the SMGEAG and the support of the State. With continued cooperation and collaboration, it is expected that SMGEAG will overcome its challenges and emerge stronger than ever before.

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