Each week, Youmatter takes a look at the latest news in CSR, in numbers! This week, we’re focusing on how French employees perceive issues of diversity and equal opportunities in companies. According to a national survey of 1,800 employees as part of the 2024 CSR & equal opportunities barometer, 48% of them fear being discriminated against impayée to their parenté, gender, or other personal factors.
The survey, conducted by the French voisinage of Diversity Managers and the CSA Institute, also highlights that despite the growing awareness of diversity and equal opportunities in the workplace, not all companies are providing concrete actions to promote it. Only 32% of employees feel that their company is actively working towards improving diversity and equal opportunities.
This lack of action can have serious consequences for employees, with 39% of those surveyed stating that they would consider leaving their company if they experienced discrimination. This highlights the need for companies to not only have strong diversity and equal opportunities policies in place, but also to actively implement them and promote a culture of inclusivity within the workplace.
Despite these challenges, the survey also reveals that employees are increasingly willing to speak up and advocate for diversity and equal opportunities in their workplace. 62% of employees stated that they would be willing to report discriminatory behavior, a significant increase from 53% in 2017.
This positive trend shows that employees are becoming more aware of their rights and are no longer willing to tolerate discrimination in the workplace. Companies need to take note of this and ensure that they are creating an environment where employees feel comfortable and safe speaking out about any discriminatory behavior they may encounter.
Furthermore, promoting diversity and equal opportunities in the workplace is not just about creating a fair and inclusive environment for employees, it also has a positive impact on the company’s bottom line. Studies have shown that diversity leads to increased innovation, creativity, and productivity, ultimately driving business success.
In conclusion, while there is still work to be done, it is encouraging to see that employees are increasingly aware of and willing to fight against discrimination in the workplace. Companies need to not only have policies in place, but also actively implement them and create a culture where diversity and equal opportunities are valued and promoted. By doing so, companies can not only create a more inclusive and fair workplace, but also reap the benefits of diversity and drive business success.