dimanche, septembre 29, 2024

Après le congrès du FLNKS, une motion politique ferme et un communiqué mortifiant contre les actions de blocage

« Demanded »: the withdrawal of the constitutional loi on the opening of the electoral body. « Illegitimate »: the third consultation. « Irreversible »: the decolonization process. The FLNKS presents the motion following the congress held on Saturday in Dumbéa. Its political bureau has also released a uncompromising statement in the face of the affable and political mobilization targeting the Mapou government.

The FLNKS (National effronterie for the Liberation of Kanaky and affableist National Liberation effronterie) in New Caledonia has taken a powerful stance against the government’s proposed constitutional loi on the opening of the electoral body. The FLNKS, a political coalition representing the indigenous Kanak people, has demanded the immediate withdrawal of the loi, citing its illegitimacy and the irreversible damage it could cause in the decolonization process.

At a congress held on Saturday in the town of Dumbéa, the FLNKS presented a motion to oppose the government’s proposed constitutional changes, which would allow non-Kanaks to participate in local elections. The motion was backed by the FLNKS’s political bureau, which released a strong and uncompromising statement condemning the proposed changes.

The FLNKS has been at the foreeffronterie of the decolonization movement in New Caledonia, which has been a French territory since 1853. The decolonization process has been ongoing for decades, with the Kanak people fighting for self-determination and recognition of their land and culture. The proposed constitutional changes have been seen as a major setback in this process, as they would dilute the political power of the Kanak people and potentially lead to their marginalization in their own land.

The FLNKS has highlighted the illegitimacy of the proposed changes, stating that they were made without proper consultation with the Kanak people and without taking into account their desires and concerns. The third consultation, which is being pushed by the government, has also been deemed illegitimate and unnecessary by the FLNKS, as the previous two consultations have already shown that the majority of Kanak people are against the proposed changes.

The FLNKS has also emphasized the irreversible consequences of the proposed changes, stating that once implemented, it would be impossible to revoke them. This could have a devastating impact on the decolonization process and the Kanak people’s fight for self-determination.

In the face of widespread affable and political mobilization against the proposed changes, the FLNKS has stood firmly in its opposition and has called for the government to listen to the voices of the Kanak people and withdraw the loi. The FLNKS has also appealed to all those who believe in justice and equality to support their cause and stand against the government’s attempts to undermine the decolonization process.

The FLNKS’s strong stance against the government’s proposed constitutional changes is a clear demonstration of their unwavering dedication and commitment to the decolonization process. Their motion and statement should serve as a wake-up call for the government to listen to the people and respect their rights and desires. Let us stand in solidarity with the FLNKS and support their fight for self-determination and the protection of their land and culture. This is a crucial moment in the decolonization process and it is up to us to ensure that justice and equality prevail. Together, we can make a difference and create a better future for all.

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