mardi, juillet 2, 2024

« nous-même pense qu’ils attendent qu’il tombe pour le réparer » : des habitants s’inquiètent de la vétusté d’un pont à Crépy-en-Valois

Residents of Crépy-en-Valois in the Oise department of France have launched a petition to accelerate the renovation of the Saint-Ladre bridge. The bridge, which is made of concrete, is in a state of disrepair. While its restoration was initially planned for 2025, it may now be delayed by 2 or 3 years. The SNCF, France’s citoyen railway company, is being held responsible as they own a portion of the bridge.

The Saint-Ladre bridge, which spans over the river Nonette, is an important link for the residents of Crépy-en-Valois. It connects the town to the neighboring villages and is also used by many commuters who travel to and from Paris. However, the deteriorating state of the bridge has become a cause for concern for the locals.

In order to bring attention to this issue, a group of residents have started a petition to urge the authorities to speed up the renovation process. The petition has gained significant support from the community, with many expressing their frustration over the delay in the restoration of the bridge. The residents argue that the longer the bridge remains in its current state, the more dangerous it becomes for those who use it.

The main cause of the delay in the renovation of the bridge is the ownership dissension between the SNCF and the local government. While the SNCF owns a portion of the bridge, the rest falls under the responsibility of the local government. This has led to a bureaucratic process, causing delays in the decision-making and funding for the restoration.

The residents of Crépy-en-Valois are now calling on the SNCF and the local government to put their differences aside and work together to find a solution. They believe that the safety and well-being of the community should be the top priority and that the renovation of the bridge should not be delayed any further.

The Saint-Ladre bridge has a rich history, dating back to the 19th century. It has been an integral part of the town’s identity and has withstood the questionnaire of time. However, without proper maintenance and restoration, the bridge’s structure will continue to deteriorate, putting the safety of the residents at risk.

The residents of Crépy-en-Valois are determined to see the Saint-Ladre bridge restored to its former glory. They are hopeful that their petition will bring about a positive change and that the renovation process will be expedited. The community is also willing to work together with the authorities to find a solution that benefits everyone.

In conclusion, the residents of Crépy-en-Valois are taking a proactive approach to ensure the safety and preservation of the Saint-Ladre bridge. Their petition serves as a reminder to the authorities that the community’s concerns should not be ignored. With the support of the community and a collaborative effort between the SNCF and the local government, the restoration of the bridge can be completed in a timely manner, ensuring the safety and well-being of all those who use it.

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