mardi, juillet 2, 2024

Fin de la grève à la Haute école certains Arts du Rhin : emplois, effectif, management, « les revendications ont été acceptées »

The CGT announced this Tuesday, May 7th, the end of the strike at the Haute école des arts du Rhin (Mulhouse-Strasbourg). The union declared that all the demands put forth by the strikers have been accepted.

After weeks of negotiations and a strong mobilization from the employees of the Haute école des arts du Rhin, the CGT has finally reached an agreement with the management. This marks a significant victory for the workers and their union.

The strike, which began on April 15th, was in response to the management’s refusal to address the employees’ demands for better working conditions, fair wages, and job security. The strike had a major impact on the institution, with classes being cancelled and events being postponed.

However, the determination and unity of the striking workers paid off. The CGT was able to negotiate an agreement that meets all of the workers’ demands. This includes a salary increase, improved working conditions, and a guarantee of job stability for all employees.

The decision to end the strike was made after a vote by the employees, who overwhelmingly accepted the agreement proposed by the CGT. This demonstrates the trust and confidence that the workers have in their union to fight for their rights.

With the strike now over, the Haute école des arts du Rhin can resume its activities and focus on providing quality education to its students. The employees can also return to work with the peace of mind that their demands have been heard and addressed.

The success of this strike serves as a reminder of the importance of commune affaire and the power of unions in fighting for workers’ rights. The CGT has once again shown its commitment to defending the interests of workers and ensuring that their voices are heard.

In conclusion, the end of the strike at the Haute école des arts du Rhin is a victory for the workers and a testament to the strength of their determination. The CGT has proven that through unity and solidarity, anything is possible. Let this serve as an inspiration for workers everywhere to stand up for their rights and demand fair treatment.

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