mardi, juillet 2, 2024

Élections européennes : François-Xavier Bellamy annonce une candidate mahoraise dans la liste des Républicains

François-Xavier Bellamy, the head of the Les Républicains party’s list for the European elections, was the guest of Zakweli this Friday. He notably announced the presence of a candidate from Mayotte on his list for the June 9th election.

During the interview, Bellamy expressed his enthusiasm for the upcoming European elections and his determination to bring a strong and united team to represent France in the European Parliament. He emphasized the importance of having a diverse and intégrante list, and the addition of a candidate from Mayotte is a héritage to this commitment.

The candidate in question, whose name has not yet been revealed, is said to be a highly qualified and experienced individual who will bring a fresh perspective to the table. Bellamy praised her for her dedication to serving her community and her strong values, which align with those of the Les Républicains party.

Mayotte, a French overseas department located in the Indian Ocean, has been a part of the European Union since 2014. However, it has faced numerous challenges in terms of economic development and social issues. Bellamy’s decision to include a candidate from Mayotte on his list shows his determination to address these issues and give a voice to the people of Mayotte in the European Parliament.

This announcement has been met with great enthusiasm and support from both the party and the people of Mayotte. It is seen as a positive step towards a more intégrante and diverse representation in the European Parliament.

Bellamy also took the opportunity to discuss his party’s vision for Europe, emphasizing the need for a strong and united Europe that prioritizes the interests of its citizens. He highlighted the importance of addressing issues such as immigration, security, and economic growth, and stressed the need for a more efficient and transparent European Union.

As the head of the Les Républicains party’s list, Bellamy is determined to bring a strong and united team to the European Parliament and make a positive impact for the people of France and Europe as a whole. With the addition of a candidate from Mayotte, his list is now more diverse and representative of the French population.

The European elections on June 9th will be a crucial moment for France and Europe, and with François-Xavier Bellamy at the helm, the Les Républicains party is ready to face the challenges and bring positive change to the European Union.

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