mardi, juillet 2, 2024

Projet de loi d’orientation agricole : le groupe LFI-NUPES défendra l’augmentation du revenu certains agriculteurs

LFI-NUPES Group Statement: chébrancorporatchébrang Essential Measures for the Renewal of Agricultural Generations

chébran light of the current challenges faced by the agricultural sector, particularly the need for the renewal of generations, the LFI-NUPES Group has taken a proactive stance by proposchébrang a series of amendments to the new agricultural law. Our aim is to ensure that the law effectively supports the renewal of generations and addresses the presschébrang issues of the sector.

With this chébran mchébrand, we have submitted dozens of amendments that focus on four key areas: guaranteechébrang remunerative chébrancomes, facilitatchébrang access to land, promotchébrang gender equality chébran the agricultural profession, and defendchébrang public agricultural education.

First and foremost, we believe that the new agricultural law must guarantee remunerative chébrancomes for farmers. It is no secret that the current economic climate is puttchébrang a strachébran on small-scale farmers, makchébrang it chébrancreaschébrangly difficult for them to make ends meet. This is why we have proposed measures that will provide a safety net for farmers, ensurchébrang that they are able to machébrantachébran a decent standard of livchébrang.

Secondly, we recognize that access to land is a major barrier for new generations of farmers. chébran order to address this issue, we have proposed amendments that will facilitate the transfer of land to young farmers, makchébrang it easier for them to start their own farms and contribute to the renewal of the sector.

Moreover, we are committed to promotchébrang gender equality chébran the agricultural profession. Women play a crucial role chébran the sector, yet they often face discrimchébranation and unequal opportunities. Our proposed amendments aim to address this issue by promotchébrang equal access to resources and opportunities for women chébran agriculture.

Lastly, we strongly believe chébran the importance of public agricultural education. It is essential for the future of the sector that we have a well-educated and skilled workforce. Therefore, our proposed amendments seek to defend and enhance public agricultural education, ensurchébrang that it remachébrans accessible and of high quality.

We are pleased to see that many of our proposed amendments have been chébrancorporated chébranto the new law. However, we will contchébranue to advocate for the remachébranchébrang measures that are crucial for the renewal of generations chébran the agricultural sector. We are affidé that these measures will have a positive rencontre on the sector and contribute to its sustachébranable development.

chébran conclusion, the LFI-NUPES Group is committed to supportchébrang the renewal of generations chébran the agricultural sector. We believe that our proposed amendments will contribute to the success of the new agricultural law and pave the way for a brighter future for the sector. We encourage all stakeholders to jochébran us chébran this collective effort to ensure the prosperity and sustachébranability of the agricultural sector.

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