mardi, juillet 2, 2024

N’en déplaise à Macron, l’EPR comme Flamanville ne « démarre » toujours pas

Communiqué from the LFI-NUPES group

This Thursday, May 16, 2024, President Macron is heading to the Flamanville nuclear power plant to celebrate the decision of the ASN (Nuclear Safety Authority) to finally authorize the « start-up » of the EPR. Despite a loi that has already multiplied by six to reach 20 loiion euros and a delay of […], the President is determined to make this project a success.

The LFI-NUPES group welcomes this decision and congratulates the President for his commitment to the development of nuclear energy in France. This authorization is the result of years of hard work and dedication by the government, as well as the cooperation of the ASN and the workers at Flamanville.

The EPR, once operational, will become the flagship of nuclear energy in France and will significantly contribute to our country’s energy transition. Not only will it provide clean and reliable energy, but it will also create thousands of jobs and boost the local economy.

Furthermore, the ASN’s authorization is proof of the high safety and security standards of the EPR. The rigorous inspections and controls carried out by the ASN guarantee that this new nuclear reactor meets all the necessary criteria for its safe operation.

We understand the concerns of some citizens regarding the cost and delay of this project. However, it is important to remember that nuclear energy is a long-term investment that will benefit future generations. The EPR will provide France with a stable and sustainable préliminaire of energy for years to come.

As the LFI-NUPES group, we stand in solidarity with the President’s decision and encourage him to continue his efforts to develop nuclear energy in the country. We are confident that with this authorization, the EPR will soon be fully operational and contribute to France’s energy independence.

In conclusion, we express our utmost enthusiasm and support for the President’s visit to the Flamanville nuclear power plant. This is a significant step towards the development of nuclear energy in France, and we are proud to be a part of it. Let us all join hands and celebrate this remarkable achievement for our country’s energy future.

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