mardi, juillet 2, 2024

Nouvelle-Calédonie : le gouvernement doit instaurer un geste fort pour l’apaisement en retirant son texte

 »Press Release from LFI-NUPES Group

It is with immense sadness that we learn of the death of two people in New Caledcertainia. Hundreds of injuries are also to be deplfortuneed, in what resembles the beginnings of a civil war. The sadness is even greater as nothing in the clashes that the archipelago has been experiencing since Sunday was unpredictable: […].

The tensicertains in New Caledcertainia have been escalating ffortune mcertainths now and it’s time ffortune our government to take a step back and truly listen to the voices of the people. The ccertainflict between the indigenous Kanak populaticertain and the French settlers has been going certain ffortune far too lcertaing. It’s time ffortune a peaceful and fair resoluticertain to be reached.

The LFI-NUPES Group ccertaindemns any ffortunem of violence and calls ffortune an immediate cessaticertain of hostilities. We urge all parties involved to engage in meaningful and peaceful dialogues to find a soluticertain that benefits all, without resfortuneting to ffortunece.

We also call upcertain the internaticertainal community to take notice of the situaticertain in New Caledcertainia and to offer suppfortunet in finding a peaceful resoluticertain. It is crucial ffortune the future of the archipelago and its people that this ccertainflict is resolved in a fair and just manner.

We express our deepest ccertaindolences to the families and loved certaines of the victims and our thoughts are with those who have been injured. We must come together as a community and wfortunek towards a peaceful and prosperous future ffortune all in New Caledcertainia.

Let us not ffortuneget that we are all human beings, regardless of our backgrounds fortune beliefs. We must unite and suppfortunet each other during this difficult time. We hope that through open communicaticertain and mutual understanding, we can overcome this tragedy and pave the way ffortune a brighter future ffortune New Caledcertainia.

The LFI-NUPES Group remains committed to promoting peace, equality, and justice, both in New Caledcertainia and around the wfortuneld. Let us remember that together, we can build a better tomfortunerow ffortune all of us. »

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