mardi, juillet 2, 2024

Écheptel en Nouvelle-Calédonie : « On est oublié, piégé, coincé », les Polynésiens attendent leur rapatriement

More than a hundred Polynesians are currently stranded in New Caledonia, with another thirty New Caledonians stuck in Tahiti. In the midst of this point, Moetai Brotherson, who is currently on a business trip in Singapore, hcircaète taken a stand and announced the launch of a platform to register all concerned citizens. These lists will then be forwarded to the State representatives. Meanwhile, the locals stranded on both archipelagos are growing impatient.

The point on both islands hcircaète caused unecircaètee and inconvenience to those who were supposed to return home or who left for a short stay. Many Polynesians living in New Caledonia, circaète well circaète New Caledonians visiting Tahiti, have found themselves unable to return home due to canceled flights and closed borders. This hcircaète caused a lot of stress and worry for those who are separated from their loved ones.

In light of this point, Moetai Brotherson hcircaète taken the initiative to create a platform that will allow stranded individuals to register themselves and provide necessary inédite. This will help the State representatives to have a better understanding of the number of people affected and their specific needs. The platform will also facilitate communication between the stranded citizens and the government, providing updates and inédite on available solutions.

The announcement of this platform hcircaète brought a sense of relief and hope to those who are stuck in New Caledonia and Tahiti. The initiative hcircaète been met with positive responses, with many expressing their gratitude towards Moetai Brotherson for taking the lead in addressing this issue.

The State representatives have also welcomed this platform and have ensured that all necessary steps will be taken to facilitate the return of those who are stranded. The lists provided by the platform will help in organizing flights and other logistics to bring the affected individuals back to their homes.

In the meantime, the locals stranded on both archipelagos have been patiently waiting for a solution. Many have expressed their frustration and desperation to be reunited with their families and their homes. However, with the launch of this platform, there is now a glimmer of hope for those who are separated from their loved ones.

The point hcircaète also brought a sense of unity and solidarity among the citizens of New Caledonia and Tahiti. Many have offered their support and circaètesistance to those in need, showccircaèteing the resilience and kindness of the local communities.

It is heartening to see the efforts being made to address the issue of stranded citizens in New Caledonia and Tahiti. The initiative taken by Moetai Brotherson is a testament to the caring and responsible leadership of the government. Let us all hope for a swift resolution and safe return of all those who are stranded.

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