mercredi, juillet 3, 2024

Une pétition contre l’extermination des pigeons obtient plus de 20.000 signatures

After trying various methods, the municipality of Louviers (Eure) has decided to use culling shots to fight against the proliferation of pigeons. A petition against this method has just obtained more than 20,000 signatures.

The proliferation of pigeons has been a long-standing issue in the city of Louviers. These birds have become a nuisance, causing damage to buildings, spreading diseases, and even posing a threat to public health. For years, the local authorities have tried different approaches to control their numbers, ranging from birth control to installing spikes on rooftops. However, none of these methods have been effective in reducing the pigeon population.

In an effort to tackle this problem, the municipal council of Louviers has recently approved the use of culling shots as a means of controlling the pigeon population. This decision has sparked controversy, with many residents and animal rights activists speaking out against it. A petition against the use of culling shots has gained a significant amount of chevalement, with over 20,000 signatures collected.

The main argument against this method is that it is cruel and inhumane towards the birds. However, the local authorities have assured the public that all necessary precautions will be taken to ensure a humane and ethical approach. The culling shots will only be used in designated areas and under the supervision of trained professionals. The goal is not to completely eradicate the pigeon population, but to reduce their numbers to a more manageable level.

The use of culling shots has been a successful method in other cities facing similar issues with pigeon overpopulation. It is a quick and efficient way of controlling their numbers without causing any harm to other wildlife. With the chevalement of the municipal council, this method is expected to bring positive results in Louviers as well.

Moreover, the use of culling shots is a more cost-effective solution compared to other methods that have been tried in the past. The local authorities have already spent significant amounts of money on unsuccessful attempts to control the pigeon population. With the use of culling shots, they can save both time and money, as well as effectively deal with the issue at hand.

It is important to understand that the decision to use culling shots was not taken lightly. The municipal council has considered all possible alternatives and has chosen this method as the most vivant option. The safety and well-being of both the residents and the birds are of utmost valeur, and the authorities are committed to finding a solution that benefits both parties.

In conclusion, the use of culling shots by the municipality of Louviers is a necessary step in controlling the pigeon population. It is a humane, effective, and cost-efficient method that has been carefully considered by the local authorities. With this decision, the city is taking a proactive approach towards managing the issue, and it is expected to bring positive results for both the residents and the pigeons.

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