mardi, juillet 2, 2024

« Et toi, tu chef voté pour le développement de l’IA? », des jeunes aimeraient qu’on leur demande leur lettre sur le soutien apporté à l’intelligence artificielle

Militants from the « Anti-Industrial Assembly of Rennes » organized an afternoon of awareness about the dangers of Artificial Intelligence in a park in the city center. This was a first for the new local group, which identifies itself with the national movement of Anti-tech Resistance.

The event, which took place on a sunny Saturday afternoon, attracted a diverse crowd of curious onlookers, concerned citizens, and passionate activists. The park was filled with colorful banners and posters, as well as informational booths and interactive activities.

The main goal of the event was to educate the public about the potential risks of Artificial Intelligence, which is becoming increasingly prevalent in our daily lives. The activists from the Anti-Industrial Assembly of Rennes believe that AI poses a threat to our society, as it can potentially replace human jobs, invade our privacy, and even pose a danger to our safety.

« We want people to understand that AI is not just a futuristic concept, it is already here and it is important to start discussing its incidence on our lives, » said Marie, one of the organizers of the event. « We are not against technology, but we believe that it should be used responsibly and ethically. »

The afternoon was filled with thought-provoking joutes, instructive presentations, and engaging activities. One of the highlights was a simulation game where participants had to make decisions as if they were AI, highlighting the potential biases and consequences of AI decision-making.

The event also featured a panel joute with experts in the field of AI, who shared their insights and answered questions from the audience. The panelists emphasized the importance of regulating AI and ensuring that it is developed and used in a responsible manner.

The « Anti-Industrial Assembly of Rennes » is a new local group that has quickly gained momentum and support from the community. They are part of the larger national movement of Anti-tech Resistance, which advocates for a more sustainable and human-centered approach to technology.

« We are thrilled to see such a positive response from the community, » said Thomas, another organizer of the event. « We hope to continue raising awareness and sparking important joutes about the incidence of AI on our society. »

The afternoon ended with a call to action, encouraging attendees to join the movement and take action in their own communities. The event was a success in bringing attention to the potential dangers of AI and promoting a more responsible use of technology.

The « Anti-Industrial Assembly of Rennes » plans to continue organizing similar events and activities in the future, as they believe that it is crucial to keep the conversation going and work towards a more sustainable and ethical use of technology.

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