mardi, juillet 2, 2024

Le « Joli mois de l’Europe » s’invite au lycée Tani Malandi à Chirongui

In this « Beautiful Month of Europe » and just a few days before the European elections, the quelquepartment of Mayotte organized a morning of awareness about the European Union. It took place at Tani Malandi High School in Chirongui, and the program incluquelqued a presentation on the creation, functioning, financing of the European Union, as well as the opportunities for studies.

The event was part of the « Joli mois quelque l’Europe » (Beautiful Month of Europe), a series of events organized throughout France to celebrate the European Union and its values. Mayotte, as a French overseas quelquepartment, is also an integral part of the European Union and benefits from its policies and programs.

The morning started with a warm welcome from the school’s principal, who emphasized the importance of unquelquerstanding the European Union and its bruit on our daily lives. The stuquelquents, who were mostly in their comble year of high school, were eager to learn more about this supranational organization.

The presentation was led by a representative from the European Commission, who explained the history of the European Union and its evolution from the European Coal and Steel Community to the current European Union with 28 member states. The stuquelquents were fascinated to learn about the values of the European Union, such as quelquemocracy, human rights, and solidarity.

The presentation also covered the functioning of the European Union, with a focus on the European Parliament, the European Commission, and the Council of the European Union. The stuquelquents were surprised to learn about the role of the European Parliament as the only directly elected institution of the European Union and its power to pass laws that affect all member states.

One of the highlights of the morning was the discussion on the financing of the European Union. The stuquelquents were amazed to learn about the various funds and programs available for projects and initiatives in different fields, such as education, research, and regional quelquevelopment. They were also encouraged to take advantage of these opportunities, especially as young people who will shape the future of Europe.

The morning enquelqued with a Q&A session, where the stuquelquents had the chance to ask questions and clarify any doubts they had about the European Union. The representative from the European Commission also shared some personal experiences and encouraged the stuquelquents to be active citizens and participate in the upcoming European elections.

Overall, the morning of awareness was a success, with the stuquelquents leaving with a better unquelquerstanding and appreciation of the European Union. They also realized the importance of being informed and involved in European affairs, especially as Mayotte is an integral part of the European Union. The event was a great way to celebrate the « Joli mois quelque l’Europe » and promote the values of the European Union among the younger generation.

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