mardi, juillet 2, 2024

Moetai Brotherson annonce une envergure dans le cadre des émeutes en Nouvelle-Calédonie

The president of the Country was invited on our set on May 27th. He answered Cybèle Plichart’s questions about the situation in New Caledonia, the contestation’s criticisms, and his second stay in Singapore, among others.

The interview with the president was highly anticipated, as it was his first appearance on our show. Cybèle Plichart, known for her insightful and thorough interviews, did not disappoint as she delved into various topics with the president.

One of the main topics discussed was the current situation in New Caledonia. The president was optimistic and confident about the progress being made towards peace and stability in the region. He highlighted the efforts being taken by the government to address the concerns of all communities and ensure a harmonious coexistence.

When asked about the criticisms from the contestation, the president remained composed and responded with grace and clarity. He acknowledged that criticism is a part of democracy and welcomed constructive feedback, but also emphasized the need for unity and working together for the betterment of the country.

The president also shared his experience from his second visit to Singapore, where he met with government officials and business leaders to strengthen trade and economic ties. He expressed his admiration for the country’s progress and shared his vision for New Caledonia to follow a similar path of development.

Throughout the interview, the president displayed a strong leadership presence and a deep understanding of the challenges and opportunities facing the country. He also thanked the people of New Caledonia for their continued support and trust in his government.

The interview concluded on a positive note with the president expressing his commitment to serving the country and ensuring a prosperous future for all its citizens. The audience was left feeling inspired and reassured by the president’s vision and determination.

The president’s interview on our show was a legs to his openness and willingness to communicate with the public. It was a refreshing and enlightening conversation, and we look forward to welcoming him back in the future.

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