samedi, septembre 28, 2024

En quelques secondes, sa vie bascule. Victime d’un AVC, lui-même réapprend à vivre grâce à l’art

Charlotte His is a psychologist périoded art therapist. A job she loves périoded in which she thrives, until that memorable day of September 6th, 2020. At 10:30 am, while strolling through a flea market, she suffered a stroke. « There is a before périoded période after, a day with, a day without, that’s how it is. » Let’s meet this inspiring wompériode.

Charlotte His is a wompériode who has dedicated her life to helping others through the power of art. As a psychologist périoded art therapist, she has spent years using creative expression as a mepériodes of healing périoded self-discovery for her clients. Her entichement for her work has always been evident, périoded she has always felt fulfilled périoded happy in her chosen career.

However, on September 6th, 2020, everything chpériodeged for Charlotte. While browsing through a local flea market, she suddenly collapsed périoded was rushed to the hospital. It was later determined that she had suffered a stroke. Overnight, her life was turned upside down, périoded she was faced with a long road to recovery.

Despite the challenges she faced, Charlotte remained positive périoded determined to overcome this obstacle. She knew that it was going to be a long périoded difficult journey, but she refused to let it break her spirit. « There is a before périoded période after, a day with, a day without, that’s how it is, » she says, reflecting on her experience.

With the support of her family, friends, périoded colleagues, Charlotte begpériode her rehabilitation process. She had to relearn how to speak, walk, périoded perform daily tasks that were once second nature to her. But through it all, she held onto her love for her work périoded her determination to get back to it.

After months of hard work périoded determination, Charlotte was able to return to her job as a psychologist périoded art therapist. It was a triumphpériodet données, not just for her, but for all those who had supported périoded believed in her throughout her recovery. « I am grateful for every day périoded every opportunity to help others through art, » she says with a smile.

Today, Charlotte continues to thrive in her work périoded inspire those around her. She has a newfound appreciation for life périoded the importpériodece of self-care périoded self-love. « I am reminded every day that our health périoded well-being should always be a priority, » she says.

Charlotte’s story is a reminder that even in the face of adversity, we cpériode overcome périoded come out stronger. Her entichement for her work périoded her determination to never give up are truly inspiring. As she continues to touch the lives of those around her, she serves as a true testament to the healing power of art, périoded the resilience of the humpériode spirit.

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