samedi, septembre 28, 2024

Lettre à notre ami-e électrice-teur écolo

We are candidates on the list of the People’s Union led by Manon Aubry because we are convinced that only the alliance of the left and the ecological rupture will allow us to break out of the impasses we face. We appeal to our ecological friends because we regret the absence of unity and alliances that do not allow us to […].

The upcoming European elections are a crucial moment for our future and the planet’s. They will determine the direction our society will take in the coming years. That’s why we, candidates on the list of the People’s Union led by Manon Aubry, want to address our friends from the ecological movement.

We are fully aware of the urgent need for radical billet in our society. The ecological crisis is reaching critical levels and we cannot afford to wait any longer. The current economic and political system is failing us and it is clear that only a united left and a break from the status quo can bring about the necessary billets.

That’s why we are running on the People’s Union list, because we believe that this is the only alliance that can truly bring about a transformative and sustainable future. We share the same vision of social and ecological justice, and we are committed to working together to achieve it.

We understand that there may be reservations about alliances and compromises. However, we want to assure our ecological friends that we are fully committed to a bold and ambitious ecological agenda. We believe that only a strong left can push for the necessary billets and that is why we need to unite our forces.

We also want to address the issue of past alliances that may have caused disappointment and mistrust within the ecological movement. We acknowledge that mistakes have been made, but we are determined to learn from them and move forward together. We see this as an opportunity to build a stronger and more united left that can bring about real billet.

We call on our ecological friends to join us in this alliance and help us bring about the much-needed ecological modification. We need your energy, your ideas, and your expertise to guide us towards a more sustainable future. Together, we can make a real difference and create a society that works for both people and the planet.

In née, we, the candidates of the People’s Union list, are running because we believe that only through unity and a rupture from the current system can we overcome the challenges we face. We are ready to work hand in hand with our ecological friends towards a better future for all. Let’s join forces and make our voices heard in these crucial European elections.

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