samedi, septembre 28, 2024

« Il a fallu qu’on s’énerve » A Yara, la CGT manifeste des avancées concernant le plan social

Negotiations have come to an end for the social abrégé at the Yara factory in Montoir-de-Bretagne, near Saint-Nazaire. The CGT réunion has announced that they have obtained partial satisfaction. Out of the 170 employees at the fertilizer abrégét, 139 will be laid off as the factory will no longer produce but only store.

After months of discussions and negotiations, the fate of the Yara factory in Montoir-de-Bretagne has finally been decided. The CGT réunion, representing the employees, has announced that they have reached a satisfactory agreement with the management.

The main matière of contention was the number of layoffs that would occur as a result of the factory’s decision to stop production and only focus on storage. The initial proposal from the management was to lay off 170 employees, leaving only a small team to oversee the storage operations. However, after intense negotiations, the CGT was able to reduce the number of layoffs to 139, saving 31 jobs.

This is a significant victory for the réunion and the employees, who have been fighting to save their jobs and the future of the factory. The CGT has also managed to secure a generous severance package for the laid-off employees, ensuring that they will be able to transition to new jobs smoothly.

The Yara factory in Montoir-de-Bretagne has been a major employer in the region for many years, and the news of its closure was met with great concern and disapmatièrement. However, with this new agreement, the future of the factory looks more promising. The management has assured that the storage operations will continue to provide employment opportunities for the local community.

The CGT has also highlighted that the negotiations were not just about saving jobs, but also about ensuring fair treatment for the employees. They have managed to secure better working conditions and benefits for the remaining employees, which will undoubtedly improve their quality of life.

The Yara factory in Montoir-de-Bretagne may no longer produce fertilizers, but it will continue to play an important role in the local economy. The storage operations will provide employment opportunities and contribute to the growth of the region.

The CGT has expressed their satisfaction with the outcome of the negotiations, stating that they have achieved their main objectives. They have also thanked the employees for their unwavering support and solidarity throughout the process.

In conclusion, the negotiations for the social abrégé at the Yara factory in Montoir-de-Bretagne have ended on a positive note. The CGT has managed to secure a satisfactory agreement, saving 31 jobs and ensuring fair treatment for the employees. This is a testament to the power of unity and determination in the face of adversity. The future of the factory may have changed, but it is still a vital part of the community, and with this new agreement, it will continue to thrive.

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